
Overcoming Obstacles, Lowering the Price at the Pump

By Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr., M.D.
Submitted exclusively to The Daily Advertiser

As U.S. athletes go for gold in Beijing this week and the people in Southwest Louisiana enjoy the last weeks of summer, frustration grows with Washington D.C.’s lack of effort on gas prices and American energy security.  The American people deserve more from Washington.  Gas prices continue to soar squeezing pocketbooks and bottom lines across Southwest Louisiana.  Yet, Washington failed to act.

I voted to keep Congress in session so we could pass meaningful legislation to lower the price all of us pay for energy.  Congress could vote to increase American production and supply to stabilize the price.  Congress could offer incentives for new technologies and fuels to increase efficiency while maintaining safety, or Congress could create transparency in the energy trading market to prevent undo speculation.

But Speaker Pelosi’s Congress voted to go home.

That’s when many of my Republican colleagues in the House returned to the floor.  They began speaking about how Congress could help.  They spoke even though Democratic leadership turned the lights off and muted their microphones, but people in the visitor galleries heard them.  Then news outlets began to report what was being said and done on the House floor.  The floor has been open for almost two weeks as we try to lower the price at the pump, and I am proud to join them this week.

Increasing American energy production must be one part of the solution.  In Louisiana, we are prepared to lead.  As the world consumes more oil, extreme environmentalists continue to block safe oil exploration in the deep waters off our coast and in restricted federal lands.  Increasing American production leads to more American jobs, and as our national economy begins to slow, keeping good paying jobs in Louisiana is critical.

Traditional fuels are only part of the solution.  In addition, Congress should spur development of the next generation of renewable fuels.  These bio-fuels like the cellulosic ethanol produced in Jennings will bridge the gap to hydrogen and electric powered cars.  The U.S. should embrace all of the above to meet our energy needs instead of taking options off the table.

Whether it’s racing, swimming or any other competition, Americans rise to overcome our challenges.  This spirit is embodied by the Olympic Games, and it is the same spirit embodied in American individual genius, creativity and entrepreneurship.

Let’s rise to meet our energy challenge.  Let’s lower the price of gas and reduce the unnecessary strain on families’ budgets.  Let’s put America on the right course to energy independence.

Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr., M.D. is serving his second term in Congress.  He represents Louisiana’s Seventh District, including Lafayette and Lake Charles.