
Cap & Trade - A Bad Deal for Louisiana Workers

Reps. Steve Scalise and Charles W. Boustany

Submitted to The Times-Picayune

Across Louisiana, energy production drives our economy and creates good-paying, high-quality jobs.  Funds from offshore production are rebuilding our coast, and the environment thrives because of the quality work by those in the oil and gas industry.

The House of Representatives passed a budget that would allow liberal Democrats to railroad a new energy tax through Congress.  Later this month, Senators and Congressmen will negotiate a final version of the budget, and it’s increasingly likely this tax could be included.

The reason for the tax is simple -- the President has asked for it.  His budget proposed a new program to reduce greenhouse gases – a laudable goal.  But his proposed plan called “cap and trade” could increase gas taxes by an additional $1.27 per gallon.  That money will come from the pockets of Louisiana families, and it will cost Louisiana jobs as energy production shifts overseas.

Employing this shortcut approach to budgeting in order to raise taxes more easily isn’t right.  So far, at least 13 Democratic Senators have publicly expressed reservations about using this gimmick. 

However, Senator Reid, the Senate Democratic leader, and Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, have expressed their support for using this shortcut maneuver to push through “cap and trade.”  It is bad enough to be considering a new energy tax like this when too many families are wondering how to pay their mortgage.  But Senator Reid wants to put it on a fast track that minimizes debate and almost assures the tax hike will pass Congress.

A new energy tax could seriously affect families’ budgets, and cost Louisiana needed jobs.  Reliable sources of energy are essential to pulling our national economy out of a slump, so encouraging American production and the jobs it would create are commonsense.  This budget goes in the absolute wrong direction.

Congress will be voting on the final budget in the coming weeks.  While the Democratic majority in the House is certain to support a budget that would allow Congress to pass an energy tax or so-called health care reform with little debate, there are a number of Democrats in the Senate who must stand firm – including Senator Landrieu – to block it.  These Democrats are facing pressure from their party to vote in favor of a final budget that will allow them to ram through this new energy tax.  They need to hear your voice – and need your support in opposing this new energy tax.