
Building Stronger Ties to Beijing

Though this progress is promising, there is greater potential for further growth in exports to China by removing the many long-standing trade barriers. China’s leadership must be challenged on policies that aim to link government procurement to pre-approved suppliers, maintain currency misalignment and provide unfair subsidies to broad economic sectors.

Beijing must also work to protect the intellectual property rights of U.S. companies, as well as Chinese firms. Intellectual property rights violations cost billions of dollars each year and threaten thousands of jobs in the U.S. and around the globe. China has one of the world’s highest piracy rates. The U.S. embassy in Beijing estimates 20 percent of all consumer products in the Chinese market are counterfeit.

To fully realize the benefits of trade between our two nations, China must begin strictly enforcing intellectual property rights laws and cracking down on the production of counterfeit products sold domestically and bound for export.

Both nations can also do more to enhance our military-to-military relationship. The Asia-Pacific region is not only economically critical, but is fast becoming one of our primary security focal points. Following our panel’s successful trip last year, we place a high level of importance on a healthy, stable, reliable and continuous U.S.-China military-to-military relationship.

Military-to-military relations can give us greater insight into China’s military power and strategic intentions. Much of the mistrust in the bilateral relationship stems from neither side knowing the other’s long-term vision. We must better understand China’s regional goals, particularly its objectives in the South China Sea and with Taiwan and North Korea.

The U.S.-China relationship continues to be one of the most dynamic and important bilateral relationships in the 21st century. Our success will largely be determined by how our two nations, working with others, deal with global challenges.

China’s own behavior in coming years will define its relationship with the rest of the world. By s

howing a serious commitment to reforms and openness, China can establish itself as one of Washington’s most credible international partners. This will be measured by China’s own actions rather than delicate diplomacy.

Xi can show his commitment toward defining those first steps of China’s relationship with the United States this week.

Reps. Rick Larsen (D-Wash.) and Charles Boustany (R-La.) and the co-chairmen of U.S.-China the Working Group.