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  • Hitting $16 Trillion in National Debt
    Sep 10, 2012 - What would you do with $50,000? I am sure many ideas come to mind like setting aside money for a college education for your child, providing a down payment on a house, retiring, investing in the family business or starting your very own business. There is no doubt that most of us could find somethin... More
  • Stivers' Balanced Budget Statement
    Nov 18, 2011 - COLUMBUS – The following statement can be attributed to Congressman Steve Stivers (R-Columbus). “I am proud to have supported the Balanced Budget Amendment, and I believe it is sad that too many Members today put politics over policy and voted no. The Balanced Budget Amendment would have required Co... More
  • The Balanced Budget Amendment; A Systemic Solution
    Oct 7, 2011 - As a former member of the Ohio Senate and having a family of my own, I have spent plenty of time balancing budgets. But in my lifetime of 46 years, the federal government has only managed to balance its budget three times. Clearly, our federal government has a systemic problem which deserves a syste... More