• Gerlach Urges Governor Rendell, Senators to Stand with PA Families and Job Creators in Opposing Health Care Proposal
    Dec 23, 2009  - U.S. Rep. Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) on Wednesday sent letters to Gov. Ed Rendell and the Commonwealth’s two senators, Robert P. Casey Jr. and Arlen Specter, to let them know exactly what’s at stake for Pennsylvania families and employers in the health care bill Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid ... More
  • Gerlach: U.S. Senate’s Desperation to Pass Health Care Bill Brings Blizzard of Spending, No Real Reforms
    Dec 21, 2009  - U.S. Rep. Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) issued the following statement Monday in response to the U.S. Senate’s rush to pass a health care bill before Christmas: “While Mother Nature was dumping a record-setting amount of snow on southeastern Pennsylvania this weekend, Senate Majority Leader Harry Re... More
  • Gerlach Opposes Speaker Pelosi’s $100 Billion Spending Spree and Push to Put America Deeper in Debt as Session Ends
    Dec 17, 2009  - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic leadership team told the American people ten months ago that spending $1 trillion by enacting the massive “stimulus plan” would keep the national unemployment rate at about 8 percent and create millions of new jobs. Despite watching unemployment climb to... More
  • Gerlach Votes to End Bailouts, Repay Taxpayers
    Dec 11, 2009  - Congressman Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) on Friday supported a House Republican measure that would have ended the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and required the remaining funds in the program be used to pay down the massive amount of national debt that is being piled onto the backs of our ch... More
  • Gerlach Statement on President’s Decision to Send More Troops into Afghanistan
    Dec 1, 2009  - Congressman Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s announcement that he would be increasing troop levels in Afghanistan early next year: “I support the President’s decision to send more American troops into Afghanistan and certainly hope that ou... More
  • Speaker Pelosi Gives Doctors a Placebo Not a Real Remedy for Medicare Reimbursements
    Nov 19, 2009  - Congressman Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) said the so-called “doc fix” bill House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat leadership team passed on Thursday is nothing more than a placebo for physicians concerned about getting paid less next year to treat Medicare patients. Gerlach said Senate leaders... More
  • Gerlach Says It’s Time for House to Vote on Keep Terrorists Out of America Act
    Nov 19, 2009  - Congressman Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) said on Thursday it’s time for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to end six months of stalling on legislation that would prevent terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba from being transferred to or released in the United States. Gerlach signed a discharge petition ... More
  • House Adopts Gerlach Resolution Aimed at Raising Public Awareness of Distracted Driving
    Nov 17, 2009  - The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday adopted a bipartisan resolution sponsored by Congressman Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) designating Sunday, November 29th as “Drive Safer Sunday” to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. The date was selected because it is the Sunday fol... More
  • Gerlach Opposes Job-Crushing Tax Hikes, Medicare Cuts and Expanding Government Control Over Health Care Decisions
    Nov 7, 2009  - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi used a rare Saturday session to pass a nearly 2,000-page bill that would lead to more jobs losses, painful cuts in medical care for seniors and unprecedented power for government officials to fine and throw in jail those who cannot afford or chose not to buy health insura... More
  • Daily Local News: Medical device companies sick over health care bill
    Nov 4, 2009  - By GRETCHEN METZ, Staff Writer Emerging medical device companies are strongly opposed to a 2.5 percent tax on the wholesale price of U.S.-made medical devices, a measure proposed in the Affordable Health Care for America Act. On Tuesday, Paul Touhey, chief executive at oncology diagnostic products c... More