Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

109th Cong.  ↑  119 Stat.  ↑  Apr. 27, 2005  ↑  109–8 109–9 109–13
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1 218 17 101 nt
101 218 17 101 nt
102(a) 218 18 2319B
102(b) 220 18 prec. 2311
102(c) 220 17 101
103(a) 220 17 506
103(b) 220 18 2319
104(a) 221 17 408
104(b) 222 17 411
104(c) 222 17 412
105 222 28 994 nt
201 223 17 101 nt
202(a) 223 17 110
202(b) 223 15 1114
301 224 2 179l nt
302(a) 224 2 179m
302(b) 225 2 179n
302(c) 225 2 179p
302(d) 225 2 179q
302(e) 226 2 179w
311 226 36 101 nt
312(a) 226 36 151703
312(b) 226 36 151705
312(c) 226 36 151706
312(d) 226 36 151711
401 226 17 101 nt
402 227 17 108