Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

109th Cong.  ↑  119 Stat.  ↑  Nov. 14, 2005  ↑  109–101 109–102 109–103
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
2172 12 635 nt
2173 12 635a nt
514 2200 22 262h nt
517(a) 2201 22 5814 nt Elim.
526(a) 2205 50 1701 nt
529 2206 22 2362 nt
534(l)(1), (2) 2211 22 2761
534(l)(3) 2211 22 2347
534(m)(1) 2211 8 1157 nt
534(m)(2) 2211 8 1255 nt
564 2225 22 2151 nt Elim.
572 2229 22 2151 nt
577 2231 22 3948 nt
578 2232 22 2395a nt
599 2240 5 App.
599B 2241 22 262o–4
599C(a) 2242 22 284u
599C(b) 2243 22 290g–17
599C(c) 2243 22 285cc