The Fiscal Cliff

Learn what it is, the consequences of going off it and why we must replace it with a balanced plan to reduce the deficit.
The Fiscal Cliff feature image

The Sequester

FAQs, charts, reports and press releases regarding sequestration under the Budget Control Act of 2011.
The Sequester feature image

The House Budget

The Republican budget gives extra tax breaks to the wealthy at the expense of everyone and everything else.
The House Budget feature image

The Democratic Budget: A Balanced Approach

The Democratic budget for 2013 makes investments where needed to keep the country strong while responsibly reducing the deficit in a balanced way.
The Democratic Alternative

Budget Reconciliation

House Republicans continued to reject a balanced approach to deficit reduction at the mark-up of the Sequester Replacement and Reconciliation Acts of 2012.
House Republicans continue to reject a balanced approach to deficit reduction.

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