Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

103d Cong.  ↑  107 Stat.  ↑  Aug. 11, 1993  ↑  103–68 103–69 103–72
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
692 2 60a nt
1 695 2 68–8
2 695 2 58 nt
3 695 2 58c–1 Rep.
101A(a) 699 2 31b–7
101A(b) 699 2 31b–7 nt
701 2 605
701 2 606
702 40 166a Rev. T.
703 2 166 nt
206 706 2 132a–1
207(a) 707 44 309
207(b) 708 44 1708
207(c) 708 44 309 nt
307 710 2 60–1 nt Elim.
308 710 31 1105 nt Elim.
309 711 2 2062 nt
310(a), (b) 712 2 43, 43a Elim.
310(c) 712 2 43 nt Elim.
311 712 2 96a Rep.
314 713 2 2107
315 713 2 130c