
Boustany Urges Secretary Mabus to Hold Meeting in Southwest Louisiana

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., (R-Southwest Louisiana), today urged Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, who was appointed by President Obama to oversee Gulf Coast restoration, to meet with Southwest Louisiana residents ahead of outlining his plan.

"I appreciate Secretary Mabus’s commitment to meet with residents along the Gulf Coast to develop a sound plan to restore our vital wetlands, but the people of Southwest Louisiana should have their voices heard too,” said Boustany.  “The Southwest Louisiana coast is still recovering from hurricanes Rita, Gustav and Ike over the last five years and the oil blowout hurts our recovery further.  I urge Secretary Mabus to hold a Town Hall in the Southwest Louisiana coastal parishes to get a better understanding of the work that needs to be done.”


Boustany Letter to Mabus ( 08/04/10 08:10 AM PST )