
Boustany Helps Announce House Republican Health Care Plan to Ensure Doctor-Patient Relationship

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., MD, R-Southwest Louisiana, today announced a health care reform plan to ensure all Americans can access a doctor and receive quality care.

The doctor-patient relationship is the most important part of health care in America,” Boustany said.  “The plan announced today by House Republicans puts patients and their doctors in control of health decisions.  As a doctor, I saw firsthand the importance of this relationship and the problems that occurred when decisions were made by bureaucrats.  Republicans want to expand accessibility to a doctor, increase the quality of care and reduce cost for families and taxpayers.

Boustany continued, “[t]he health system overhauls unveiled last week by Congressional Democrats failed to cover more than 30 million Americans according to the Congressional Budget Office.  Working together, we can make it easier for Americans to find a health care plan and reduce costs.  Today’s plan should be the start of a meaningful conversation about health care in America, and I look forward to discussing ways to strengthen the doctor-patient relationship for families in Southwest Louisiana and around the country.”

An outline of the House Republican plan is attached.


House GOP Health Care Outline ( 06/17/09 09:49 AM PST )