
Boustany Supports Sound Farm Bill, Sets Up Fight with President

Washington, D.C.– U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., (R-Southwest Louisiana), today voted for the Farm Bill, which passed with a vote of 318-106.

“Southwest Louisiana farmers need responsible safeguards because of the uncertainties of weather, crop, yield, etc., and American food producers ensure we have a safe food supply,” Boustany said. “I hope today’s important vote will encourage the President to support the Farm Bill, but if not, I will work to override his veto. This is a good bill, and I will continue to fight for it for Southwest Louisiana.

As the only member of the Louisiana delegation on the House Agriculture Committee, Congressman Boustany worked to ensure the needs of the state’s agriculture industry, particularly those of rice and sugar farmers in Southwest Louisiana, are fulfilled in the Farm Bill (H.R. 2419). Boustany succeeded in writing a stable, fair and equitable loan rate for long grain and short/medium grain rice. In addition, he secured a flexible no-cost sugar program that will maintain a strong domestic production, while preparing for a potential influx of imported sugar from Mexico.

These provisions are critical to maintaining an abundant, safe and secure food supply.

Boustany’s work in the Committee and on the House floor for Southwest Louisiana farmers and incorporated in the bi-partisan Farm Bill includes:

  • Correcting a problem made by the Risk Management Agency, to allow sweet potato farmers the ability to apply for 2005/2006 crop disaster payments by using FSA yield production data
  • Standardizing the loan rate for long grain rice, as well as medium/short grain rice, in order to provide more stability to rice producers
  • Preserving the no-cost sugar program, while creating a new market balancing mechanism that will help protect domestic producers against an influx of foreign sugar


  • Making the cotton program more trade compliant, while maintaining an adequate safety net for domestic producers

Adding eleven additional Louisiana Parishes in the Delta Regional Authority to enhance economic development in the region and allows parishes to compete for federal funding to create jobs, invest in infrastructure, and improve the quality of life for residents of Southwest Louisiana

Yesterday, Boustany said, “The hard work of Southwest Louisiana farmers maintains America’s food security. In an uncertain and difficult industry, farmers and ranchers need this important piece of legislation that I am proud to have worked on for our entire region.

The Energy Title of the Farm Bill provides incentives for agri-based fuels to spur American entrepreneurship and ingenuity. $320 million is available for loan guarantees for construction and development of biofuel production plants, and $118 million will continue research on cellulosic ethanol, like the fuel produced in the Jennings refinery. With gas prices at all time highs at the pump, the American people need solutions. Agri-based fuels represent one piece of the energy independence solution.

Other highlights of the Farm Bill include:

  • Providing farmers in commodity programs with a choice between traditional price protection and new market-oriented revenue coverage payment
  • Extending significant new investments in popular conservation programs, including the Conservation Reserve Program, Wetlands Reserve Program, Environmental Quality Incentive Program, and Farm and Ranchland Protection Program
  • Investments in rural communities through economic development programs and access to broadband telecommunication services
  • Protecting and sustaining our nation’s forest resources