
Boustany Statement on House Stem Cell Research Bill

Washington, D.C.  – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., R-Lafayette, today released the following statement after voting against S. 5, the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, which authorizes taxpayer funding for human embryo-destroying stem cell research:

“I remain opposed to legislation that supports the destruction of human embryos, and I am even more opposed to using federal funds to carry out this unethical practice.  It is irresponsible of the federal government to use scarce tax dollars on false promises while existing treatments with adult stem cells offer unlimited potential without ethical strings attached.  

“Fortunately, scientific advancements continue to lead to more promising lines of adult stem cell research that do not cross the moral and ethical boundaries that trouble millions of Americans.  I will continue to support aggressive funding of adult stem cell research, and I’m hopeful that my colleagues will decide to expand funding for this type of research.  

“I urge President Bush to stand by his commitment to veto this bill.”

Note: According to a recent AP story, “In a big step toward a long-sought goal, three teams of scientists say they’ve produced the equivalent of embryonic stem cells at least in mice, without taking the controversial step of destroying embryos.” (AP, 6/6/07)
