
Boustany Stands Up for Oil and Gas Jobs in Southwest Louisiana

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr. (R-Lafayette) released the following statement as delivered on the House floor this afternoon:

“Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to H.R. 6.  This ill-conceived legislation will halt recent efforts to increase domestic oil and gas production and will further boost our nation’s dependence on foreign oil.  

“The price we pay for turning a blind eye towards our nation’s energy security is staggering.  Most American’s don’t realize the hidden costs of our reliance on foreign oil.

“According to the National Defense Council Foundation, the cost to defend America’s access to foreign oil supplies rose to nearly $137 billion in 2006.  That’s money that could be better spent on our troops.

“The majority is pushing thru this job killing legislation that threatens thousands of families in my Gulf Coast district.  Mr. Speaker, I can tell you first hand they aren’t minimum wage jobs.  In fact, many pay more than three times the minimum wage.

“Furthermore, the creation of an energy slush fund is fiscally irresponsible.

“America deserves a comprehensive bill to address our nation’s energy security.  H.R. 6 isn’t close to that goal and I urge my colleagues to vote NO.”
