
Boustany Introduces Measure to Speed H-2B Visa Help for American Small Businesses

Washington, D.C.  – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., MD, R-Southwest Louisiana, today introduced a measure to increase the potential temporary, seasonal H-2B workforce for American small businesses.
The current H-2B visa shortage is a crisis for small businesses in Southwest Louisiana and around the country,” Boustany said. “Congress must renew our commitment to small businesses and quickly increase the legal limit for these seasonal workers, like crawfish peelers who work in the U.S. for six months before returning to their home country. American small businesses and entrepreneurs depend on these temporary workers, in the country legally, to fill untaken jobs.
Today, Boustany introduced H. Res. 1025 providing for immediate consideration of Congressman Bart Stupak’s (D-MI) returning worker bill, which increases the number of potential H-2B workers. H. Res. 1025 was referred to the Rules Committee. If the House Rules Committee fails to pass the bill, the Boustany measure is eligible for a discharge petition after seven legislative days.
The H-2B visa program provides legal, seasonal workers with the opportunity to come to America on a temporary basis and provide labor to the small and seasonal businesses that drive many of our nation’s local economies. America’s small businesses need immediate resolution to this growing crisis.
On January 2, 2008, the cap for critical H-2B visas was reached, crippling small businesses and agricultural communities around the nation who now lack access to essential workers they have depended on year after year. Nationwide, approximately half of the needed workers are currently available for unfilled jobs. More than 120,000 H-2B workers came into the U.S. legally last year. This year’s total allotment of 66,000 H-2B visas was met in early January. 