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Lisa Murkowski - Washington, District of Columbia

Lisa Murkowski
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Lisa MurkowskiSee All
    • Koszarek Livingston
      Thank you Lisa Murkowski! Merry Christmas And Happy New Years this comming 2013! I hope you really support the new law that will be created too add a pistol, in a school bye a principle, vice Principle, or a teacher, or a law abiding official like a police man! Because this awful incidense in Connecticute, should never ever happen again in our schools ever again! I'm a public speaker for head injury prevention on Long Island New York. I've been one for 16 years! Thanks Roy Thomas Corson. Screen name Koszarek Livingston. 12-22-2013 Saturday 8:10 A.M. Eastern standard time.
      2 hours ago
    • Doris Robbins
      Senator, Genetically modified fish: Don't believe the producers or the feds: this is playing "Russian Roulette" with our natural fish and animal production. They have no idea the effect this can have. Every fish or animal has an effect on every other species around it for better or worse. It is usually overwhelmingly worse as it upsets the natural order of life. As former fisher-person, I saw the effect one natural species' presence had on the population of other sea creatures at large, whether the balance changed or it was a new introduction for the area due to natural changes. In Alaska, Fish and Game closely monitor the catch and any changes in the environment of natural species of fish. They also do similar monitoring for the wild animal life. Any change in one population definitely has either a positive or negative effect. Now consider a brand new, un-natural "creature" with no history of interactions. Sometimes it takes years to see the actual effect. By then it can be too late to effectively reverse the damage. Once "Pandora's Box" is opened it is next to impossible to close it again, much less recover what was released. Thank you.
      14 hours ago
    • Dear Senator Murkowski, Seeing the photographs of the little children and teachers killed in New Town brings tears to our eyes. Hearing the near silence of the Alaska congressional delegation beyond a couple of comments about mental health brings us great sadness. Watching the NRA today proposing that every American carry a gun to protect themselves from every other American (as their latest way of selling more guns) is so morally outrageous and off the wall that your silence and lack of leadership hurts us all the more. As a senator from one of the most gun-using states in the Union (mostly for good purposes and good reasons) we expect you to be in the forefront of an intelligent discussion of gun use and gun safety in America. We support the Second Amendment right to bear arms, but it was never intended that it should mean than anyone can carry any kind of weapon any time anywhere, any more than the right of free speech means the right to cry "Fire" in a crowded theater. Public safety has to be taken into account when we consider citizens' rights and responsibilities. There are moments in life when a leader like yourself has the chance, the opportunity, and the moral obligation to lead—not wait to see what others are doing. When even Republican members of Congress are speaking out about the need to curtail the free availability of high-capacity gun magazines and semiautomatic assault weapons without background checks, your voice needs to be there, too. We wrote-in for you the last time around because we expect such leadership. Sincerely, Tony & Gail Kaliss
      16 hours ago
    • Hello Senator Murkowski, I was wondering, along with several friends as well. We were wondering about this proposed assault rifle ban and possible issues with large capacity magazines. I know it's a huge topic right now. Even so soon after the recent tragedy. How are the majority of the Republicans feeling towards this? I see conflicting stories all over. I'm sure many of the folks around would love to hear some direct information. Thank you for your service!
      Thursday at 7:12pm
    •  This is heart-rending and powerful. It is outrageous. It makes me wonder what the hell we’re thinking when we say ‘This is a mental health issue more than a gun issue.’ I’m paraphrasing all of Alaska’s Congressionals here. This whole country is suffering from acute cognitive dissonance on the issue of guns, what constitutes ‘mental illness’, and what is an acceptable body count for children in our daily lives. While mass shootings seem to be the killing style among white, affluent Americans, dying by bullet is a daily event for African American children nationwide. Daily. White children are generally dreaming about college. So are Asian American kids. So are many other ethnic minority kids. Most African American kids are just trying to stay alive to adulthood. Think about it. What’s the real ‘mental health issue’ here? That we continue to blow off the concept that guns are tools used to kill? That automatic weapons are used to kill rapidly and without discrimination? That the term ‘assault weapon’ is a misnomer? You can survive an assault. You’re not likely to survive being shot by an ‘assault weapon’. What is the rationalization for allowing ‘assault’ weapons to be legal in the general populace? Can you look in the mirror and still believe the nonsense coming out of your mouth as you try to do that? It should be a national disgrace, a national embarrassment, a national cry for ALL of us that we only notice the horror when IT HAPPENS TO LITTLE WHITE CHILDREN! The story of the Chinese man who went on a killing spree in a village school armed with the only weapon he could find…a knife…has gone viral on the news. The salient point is HE DIDN’T KILL ANYONE. Had he been armed with a gun someone would have died. “Oh, but, he was Chinese.” We have been reduced to an intellectual version of inbreeding in this country. We cannot accept lessons about behavior if a non-American has illustrated it for us. “Oh, but, he was mentally ill.” We don’t know the difference between ‘developmentally disabled’, ‘disorder’, or ‘disease’. We are not mental health professionals yet we are all diagnosing the killers. We have become intellectually blind in this country. We will use any excuse necessary to avoid the obvious. Guns kill. Period. That is their purpose. Those who hunt know this. Those who use them for protection in the wild know this. Those in the police and military services know this. They are tools that should be restricted to those who actually need them and use them for their stated purpose. Anything else makes you an accomplice. (For those who like target shooting and clay pidgeons…take up darts.)
      1 · Thursday at 9:46am
  2. Photo: The King salmon in my Anchorage office is ready for Christmas!  Are you?
  3. Photo: One of my favorite parts of the holiday season is the smell of Christmas cookies in the oven.  From my family to yours, here is my go-to cookie recipe from my grandmother.  Enjoy our little taste of Christmas!
  4. Photo: Aloha and Mahalo, my friend.  You will be missed.
  5. Photo: Ho, ho, ho!  Heading home for tomorrow's charity Holiday Luncheon to share the latest on this fiscal cliff with Alaskans as the negotiations continue between the House and President.  I'll be back to work with the rest of the Senate on Monday to find a bipartisan resolution to this stalemate.
  6. Photo: My DC staff is keeping everyone in the office in an Alaskan holiday mood with these tasty treats today.  Have you baked your Christmas cookies yet?
  7. Photo: My Alaska staff has been participating in the Red Cross of Alaska’s Holiday Mail for Heroes, sending cards to our brave men and women who are deployed and away from home this holiday season.  If you would like send a thank you card to a soldier, we will have some available at the Holiday Luncheon next Friday.
  8. Photo: On this Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, please take a second to reflect on the Greatest Generation and if you know a WWII veteran, please thank them from all of us.
  9. Photo: My Anchorage staff is getting ready for the Peterson Tower Holiday Party and open house.  If you are in the Downtown area between 4:30 and 6:30, stop by and say Hi to Amy, Eric, Greg, Kyle and Andrea.
  10. Photo: I caught up with Alaskans this morning here in D.C. for the White House Tribal Nations Summit this morning at my Constituent Coffee.  It’s so important to talk with people from home and stay connected on the issues on the ground in Alaska!
  11. Photo: I was honored to speak at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Native American Enterprise Initiative inaugural event this morning.  I look forward to working with the US Chamber as an ally and advocate for Native American businesses- a partnership that I am very excited to see blossom into economic success across Indian Country.