Gerlach statement on passage of fiscal cliff legislation
January 1, 2013  - Congressman Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) issued the following statement after the House approved so-called fiscal cliff legislation that rolls back massive tax hikes and delays arbitrary cuts in military and other federal spending: "The choice came down to whether I would allow the President’s $4.6... More

Pennsylvania Congressmen Call for Passage of Animal Fighting Spectator Prohibition Act
December 13, 2012  - Reports are now surfacing that last week, local authorities discovered evidence of a dog fighting ring operated out of a home in Chester County, Pennsylvania. The operators ran the animal fighting operation, tortured and killed dogs, and hosted fights in a home where they also raised 5 children. At ... More

Gerlach supports Israel's right to defend itself against indiscriminate rocket attacks from Gaza
November 19, 2012  - Congressman Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) issued the following statement on Monday as Israel continued to defend itself against indiscriminate rocket attacks from Gaza: "Any nation that has endured the kind of unending barrage of rocket attacks on civilians like we have seen in Israel during the pas... More

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