Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

93d Cong.  ↑  88 Stat.  ↑  Jan. 3, 1975  ↑  93–618 93–619 93–620
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1 2076 18 3161 nt
101 2076 18 prec. 3161
101 2076 18 3161
101 2079 18 3162
101 2080 18 3163
101 2081 18 3164
101 2081 18 3165
101 2082 18 3166
101 2083 18 3167
101 2083 18 3168
101 2084 18 3169
101 2084 18 3170
101 2084 18 3171
101 2085 18 3172
101 2085 18 3173
101 2085 18 3174
102 2086 18 prec. 3001
201 2086 18 3152
201 2086 18 3153
201 2087 18 3154
201 2088 18 3155
201 2088 18 3156
202 2089 18 prec. 3141
204 2089 28 604 Rep.