Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

86th Cong.  ↑  74 Stat.  ↑  May 14, 1960  ↑  86–472 86–474 86–478
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1(1) 144 14 41
1(2) 144 14 42
1(3) 144 14 44
1(4) 144 14 45 Rep.
1(5) 144 14 46
1(6) 144 14 47
1(7) 145 14 48, 49 Rep.
1(8) 145 14 prec. 41
1(9) 145 14 186
1(10) 145 14 187
1(11) 145 14 188
1(12) 145 14 189
1(13) 145 14 190
1(14) 146 14 191
1(15) 146 14 prec. 181
1(16), (17) 146 14 222, 247 Rep.
1(18) 146 14 365
1(19) 146 14 462 Rep.
2 146 14 44 nt
3 146 14 44 nt