Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

86th Cong.  ↑  73 Stat.  ↑  Aug. 10, 1959  ↑  86–148 86–149 86–150
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
407 321 10 2674 nt Rep.
408 321 42 1594i Rep.
410 321 10 4774, 7574, 9774 Rep.
412 322 10 113 nt Rep.
414(a) 322 12 1748b
415 323 42 1594
418 323 42 1594a
419 324 5 171a nt Rev. T.
420 324 7 1704b Rep.