Press Releases

Appropriations Committee Approves the Fiscal Year 2013 Agriculture Appropriations Bill
Legislation will support American farmers and ranchers, encourage rural economic development, and sustain food safety efforts

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Washington, Jun 19, 2012 -

The House Appropriations Committee today approved the fiscal year 2013 Agriculture Appropriations bill. The legislation funds several important and necessary government programs and services, including food safety, animal and plant health, rural development and farm services, and nutrition programs. In total, the legislation includes $19.4 billion in discretionary funding – a cut of $365 million below last year’s level and a cut of $1.7 billion below the President’s budget request.

“This legislation represents a careful balance between fiscal restraint and responsible investments in programs to support an abundant and safe food and drug supply, promote US interests in the global economy, and encourage economic development in our rural communities,” House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers said.

Agriculture Subcommittee Chairman Jack Kingston also commented on the bill:

“American agriculture is the envy of the world, feeding not only our country but much of the globe. This legislation supports agriculture and nutrition investments, and increases efficiency and effectiveness at the Agriculture Department and other agencies. It will help ensure a safe and abundant food and drug supply, and spur rural economic growth while checking the growth of government using common-sense reforms,” Kingston said.

The following amendments to the FY 2013 Agriculture Appropriations bill were adopted by the full committee today:

Rep. Kingston – The manager’s amendment makes technical and non-controversial changes to the bill and report. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.

Rep. Flake – The amendment prohibits funding to provide farm program benefits to individuals or entities with adjusted gross incomes of more than $250,000. The amendment was adopted on voice vote.

Rep. DeLauro – The amendment requires funding for the Reagan-Udall Foundation to come from the Office of the Commissioner. The organization is a non-profit, created by Congress, to advance regulatory science related to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The amendment was adopted on voice vote.

Rep. Simpson – The amendment allows white potatoes to be eligible for purchase as part of the  Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) nutrition program food packages. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.

Rep. Moran – The amendment prohibits funding for any horse inspection activity necessary to transport and slaughter horses in the U.S. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.

Rep. Simpson – The amendment increases the Rural Rental Assistance Program by $1.5 million, offset by a cut to the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.

 The bill was approved by the full committee on a voice vote. 

For the text of the bill please visit:

For the bill report, please visit:


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