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Congresswoman Ellmers believes that our men and women in uniform deserve our utmost support and unfailing respect.  These brave men and women have been willing to serve their country and fight to defend America's freedoms and ideals and we owe them a great debt of gratitude. 

 Congresswoman Ellmers will strive to do her very best to protect veterans and the benefits that were promised to them.  The financial crisis has made it even more important for veterans to have easy access to competent assistance when getting the benefits they were promised when they signed up for duty. It is vital that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) partner with state and local governments, through grant opportunities, and to reach out to veterans and their families to ensure they receive the benefits for which they are eligible.

 Congresswoman Ellmers will continue to work everyday to support the Veterans of this great nation and will never forget that freedom is not free.