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Farming Community Has Played Prominent Role in Minnesota's Rich Heritage

By John Kline

It is an honor to welcome you to FarmFest 2008.  In its 27th year, this proud tradition celebrates the prominent role agriculture and the farming community have played in Minnesota’s rich heritage of industry and commerce.  Having helped manage a five-generation family farm in southeastern Minnesota, I recognize and appreciate the challenges faced by Minnesota farmers.  In Congress — whether visiting with constituents, meeting with my Agricultural Advisory Board, or working with pork producers, corn growers, and a host of other Minnesotans — I am continually impressed by the work ethic and common decency of those in our farming community.

I am committed to meeting the needs of the individuals and families whose livelihoods are so important to the future of our great state.  In Washington, I am fighting for the issues important to Minnesota’s agricultural community, including passing a farm bill that meets the needs of Minnesota farmers, ending the unreasonable death tax that punishes our family farms, and providing a comprehensive energy policy that addresses the challenges of farmers — and all Minnesotans.

While it was far from a perfect bill, I was pleased to support and help override the President’s veto of the Farm Bill that passed this Spring because it includes real reforms to address the critical needs of our farmers while making investments in agriculture research, conservation programs, and nutrition programs.  This bipartisan legislation extends and modernizes the farm program safety net, increases and expands bioenergy research and renewable energy programs, and creates an Open Fields Program to encourage public access to private land for hunting and fishing.  That said, the work is not done, and I am continuing to work with Minnesota’s agriculture community to ensure we remain focused on the critical needs of our farmers as the massive Farm Bill is implemented.

Another important issue for many family-owned farms is the unreasonable burden imposed by the death tax.  The death tax penalizes citizens for saving and investing and years of hard work.  It destroys family-owned farms and ranches — and the millions of jobs they support.  That is why I cosponsored the “Death Tax Repeal Act,” legislation that would provide relief to the many Americans whose livelihoods would suffer because of this punitive tax.

A challenge facing all Minnesotans is the rapidly rising cost of energy.  Farmers and their families are feeling the pain at the pump as gas and diesel prices approach — or even exceed — $4 per gallon.  In addition, I hear often from family, friends, and constituents in the farming community that record-high crop prices are rising in tandem with record-high energy costs.  These realities make evident America’s need for a diversified, “all of the above” energy policy that increases domestic energy production, embraces renewable and alternative fuels, and supports conservation efforts to reduce energy consumption.  To that end, I have cosponsored legislation to open our deep water ocean resources and the Arctic coastal plain for energy exploration and production, as well as legislation that encourages more wind and solar energy production and expands clean nuclear energy. 

As we continue to consider legislation important to farmers, ranchers, and the communities where you work and live, please do not hesitate to inform me of your concerns by calling my Minnesota office at (952) 808-1213 or visiting my web site at

John Kline, of Lakeville, represents Minnesota’s Second Congressional District.  In his third term in Congress, he is a member of the House Ethics Committee, the Education and Labor Committee, and the Armed Services Committee.