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House Republican Budget Encourages Prosperity, Comprehensive Tax Reform
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
By Megan Piwowar 989-631-2552
Today House Republicans unveiled their 2013 budget, introduced by Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), aimed at restoring economic opportunity, spurring job creation and paying down the massive debt and deficits created by out-of-control Washington spending. 

Congressman Dave Camp (R-Midland), chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, issued the following statement on the House Republican Budget Resolution: “A budget is a vision for America, and the President’s budget envisions more debt, more spending and will leave future generations buried under a government that is too big and that taxes employers and families too much.  The House Republican Budget Resolution, however, offers a bold plan to get America’s economy back on track, help families realize and afford their dreams, and protect critical programs like Medicare.  Our plan recognizes the tough choices we must make to cut out of control Washington spending, balance the budget and most importantly, create jobs.  Building off of the commitment Republicans made to lower tax rates in last year’s budget resolution, this proposal adopts the recommendations of all Republicans on the Ways and Means Committee to simplify taxes for American families and level the playing field for American employers and workers competing around the globe.  Where the president’s plan increases taxes and takes more money out of the economy, the Republican plan reforms our outdated and burdensome tax code to unleash innovation and investment.”

After a year of hearings, Camp and his colleagues on the Ways and Means Committee are ready to take the next step in comprehensive tax reform. As a result, the House Republican Budget Resolution incorporates pro-growth tax components that were transmitted in a letter signed by all of the Republican Members of the House Ways and Means Committee, led by Camp.  This year’s House Republican Budget Proposal builds on the progress of last year by adding three components that are geared toward achieving lower rates, much-needed certainty for families, and reform of U.S. international tax. These new building blocks for economic growth and prosperity through comprehensive tax reform include:

  • Consolidating the current six individual income tax brackets into just two brackets of 10 and 25 percent.
  • Repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax, which currently threatens 31 million middle-class families with higher taxes.
  • Shifting from a “worldwide” to a “territorial” tax system that puts American companies and their workers on a level playing field with foreign competitors and encourages investment and hiring in the United States.

In addition to outlining their Fiscal Year 2013 budget proposal, the House will vote to repeal IPAB this week which is the board of fifteen unelected bureaucrats who would come between doctors and patients as they make health care decisions. This will be the 26th time House Republicans have voted to repeal, defund, or dismantle the government takeover of health care. View the House Republican Leadership news conference here