Chairman Hastings' Statement on Administration's Latest Move to Implement Mandates in Chu Memorandum

WASHINGTON, D.C., November 20, 2012 - House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today released the following statement in response to the Federal Register Notice publication of the Energy Department’s Draft Recommendations resulting from Secretary Steven Chu's March 16, 2012 Memorandum:

“The Energy Department's Draft Recommendations stemming from Secretary Chu's March 16 Memorandum once again fail to answer key questions repeatedly asked on a bipartisan basis. Basic issues such as the cost, who pays for such costs, who benefits, and uncertain legal authorities very much remain unanswered. At a time when 40 million families and small businesses could experience higher electricity rates as a result of Secretary Chu's Memorandum, the American people deserve these answers and more transparency.

“Although today's recommendations will impact the Western Area Power Administration and its customers, the fact remains that electricity ratepayers of all four of the Power Marketing Administrations -- including the Bonneville Power Administration -- are subject to the Secretary's Washington, DC-based Memorandum dictates. This is very troubling if this is template for such mandated changes on the PMAs.

“As Chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, I have held two full committee oversight hearings, formally asked for more information in which there has been no response, and I will continue to examine these proposals closely and deliberately through the lens of ratepayer protection.”


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Contact: Jill Strait, Spencer Pederson or Crystal Feldman 202-226-9019