Pain at the Pump

Apr 2, 2012 Issues: Energy

Dear Friends,

For the past several months, I’ve heard from families all across the Third District who are struggling because of rising gas prices.

I’ve heard from grandparents who’ve had to stop traveling to some of their grandchildren’s softball games. I’ve heard from small business owners who are facing tough decisions on whether to hire more employees because fuel costs are impacting their bottom line. I’ve heard from families facing long daily commutes who are wondering if they’ll need to start looking for a new job.

High gas prices impact us all.  That’s why I’m spending time this week visiting gas stations across the Third District to hear your stories, and share with you some solutions for how we can make our country more energy secure. Below is a video from one of my stops this afternoon that I hope you’ll watch and share with others.

In addition to this video, here’s a link discussing what we can do as a country to end our addiction to Middle Eastern oil, and provide relief at the pump for South Carolina families.



Hope to see you around the district this week!

Blessings and Liberty,

Jeff Duncan
Member of Congress