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Recruit-A-Vet Employment Fair

Congresswoman Renee Ellmers is hosting the Recruit-A-Vet Employment Fair for veterans and military service members on Thursday, October 25 at the Dennis Wicker Civic Center in Sanford, NC. Over 100 businesses have been invited to attend the employment fair to answer questions, accept resumes and interview applicants.

We owe our veterans a huge debt of gratitude for their service to our country. For the sacrifices members of our military have made to ensure our freedoms, we need to do everything possible to make sure they have the best career opportunities available when they return to civilian life.

We want this to be a great success for our veterans, as well as for our local businesses that have so much to gain from the experience our veterans offer.  If you have any questions regarding the event you can contact my office in Dunn at 910/230-1910.

Recruit-A-Vet Employment Fair
Thursday, October 25
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Dennis Wicker Civic Center
1801 Nash Street
Sanford, NC  27330

Register to Attend:

Email the following information to this address:

Branch of Military/ MO
Phone #
Email Address


Complete this form and fax to 910/230-1940.