Flash Rotator Gallery

Frelinghuysen: Land Conveyance Protects Region's Drinking Water
Frelinghuysen Honored as Guardian of Small Business
Rep. Frelinghuysen Statement on 9/11 Anniversary
Recovering from Hurricane Sandy
Visiting the Troops


I have long been concerned with flooding in our area and the 983 square miles that make up the Passaic River Basin.  Most recently, the devastation caused by Hurricane Irene was terrible and historic. Many residents have told me that they have never witnessed such dramatic flooding in their lifetimes. On my visits to many towns, in some cases traveling with Governor Christie, I saw incredible destruction and heartache for families and small businesses.

During my time in Congress, I have worked with the Army Corps of Engineers, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), many mayors, state legislators and other Members of Congress to address flooding along the Passaic River basin.  As you may not know, over 3500 acres in our area have been protected as part of a Corps’ project I have long supported, the Preservation of Natural Storage Areas.

As you may know, the State of New Jersey Executive Order 23 required the Passaic River Flood Advisory Commission to provide a comprehensive plan to address flooding in the Passaic basin.  And, thankfully, our Governor has been working on expediting state support, as some of the fifteen recommendations are within his jurisdiction.

Since the disaster, I have been working with the Army Corps to get the reevaluation of the Passaic River Main Stem project to be a Presidential priority in President Obama’s 2013 budget submission to Congress. In fact, I met with Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), Jo-Ellen Darcy, in Washington to discuss their critical involvement and the need for Federal resources.


To view the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers briefing with the Passaic River Basin Flood Advisory Commission click here.

To learn more about the Passaic Mainstem Project click here.

To view Rep. Frelinghuysen's letter to Jo-Ellen Darcy, Assistant Secretary of the Army click here.