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Oregon Education
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Letter accusing boss of affair, not retaliation for complaint of sexual harassment, led to firing, state investigators find

By Betsy Hammond, The Oregonian

January 10, 2013, 4:32PM
A former employee of the Oregon School Boards Association says she was subjected to sexual harassment, then fired for complaining about it. Actually, it was that anonymous letter to the boss's wife purporting to reveal his office affair, the state concluded Full story »

Washington lawmakers: Education is focus of 2013 Legislature


By The Associated Press

January 10, 2013, 3:51PM
Education was on the minds of lawmakers from both parties at The Associated Press Legislative Preview. Full story »

Jon Isaacs, Democratic political consultant, gets a big Portland school district job

By Jeff Mapes, The Oregonian

January 10, 2013, 11:30AM
Jon Isaacs, a veteran Democratic political consultant, will become a senior policy adviser for Portland schools superintendent Carole Smith. Full story »

Idaho teacher ethics panel hears hundreds of complaints

By The Associated Press

January 10, 2013, 10:01AM
The Idaho State Department of Education's Professional Standards Commission has investigated hundreds of complaints over the past three decades, including two recent ones out of the Cassia County School District alleging abuse of students. Full story »

Lincoln High Arabic program grows with student interest

Lincoln High Arabic program grows with student interest

By Sara Hottman, The Oregonian

January 10, 2013, 9:00AM
The Lincoln High School Arabic program started three years ago with a grant from Qatar Foundation International for a language teacher. Grant funding has since expanded to add a middle school language teacher, a high school Middle Eastern studies teacher, and trips to Qatar. Full story »
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University of Oregon official defends decision to restructure diversity office

By The Associated Press

January 10, 2013, 7:01AM
Yvette Alex-Assensoh, the head of the newly named Office of Institutional Equity and Inclusion, explained at a public meeting Wednesday on campus.why she's making changes at the diversity program. Full story »

Advanced computing institute coming to Seattle

By The Associated Press

January 10, 2013, 6:34AM
The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory at Richland and the University of Washington join resources to open a high-performance computing faciltiy for research in health, cyber security and other areas. Full story »

Another vote on university tuition might be needed, Washington attorney general's office says

By The Associated Press

January 09, 2013, 7:24PM
Double-digit tuition increases have nearly doubled tuition at Washington schools over the past five years.  Full story »

Former Catlin Gabel head of school Manvel Schauffler known for his humanity


By Wendy Owen, The Oregonian

January 09, 2013, 5:56PM
Manvel Schauffler went out of his way to help others, teach children. His teaching career started with him helping thwart a kidnapping at Catlin Gabel School in 1954. He later became head of school. Full story »

Washington Board of Education readies work for rules on charter schools

By The Associated Press

January 09, 2013, 3:35PM
The panel is ready to take public comment on rules it hopes to adopt in February concerning the next steps toward opening up to eight public charter schools by Fall 2014. Full story »

Repeal of education overhaul leaves $30 million on table for Idaho lawmakers

By The Associated Press

January 09, 2013, 2:31PM
There are at least three options for the money that the repeal of public schools chief Tom Luna's education overhaul left stranded ahead of the 2013 Legislature. Full story »

Wisconsin university lands $1 million donation from Washington state man

By The Associated Press

January 09, 2013, 1:50PM
The school on Wednesday announced the gift from Dean Weidner, founder of Weidner Apartment Homes, a property-management firm in Kirkland, Wash. Full story »

Manvel Schauffler former Catlin Gabel head of school dies in Portland


By Wendy Owen, The Oregonian

January 09, 2013, 12:03PM
Manvel Schauffler moved to Oregon in 1947 and started a farming cooperative in Estacada before becoming head of Catlin Gabel School in 1967. He died Tuesday at age 88.  Full story »
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