Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler | Representing Southwest Washington's 3rd District

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Press Releases

Jaime Herrera Beutler Supports Job-Creating Regulatory Relief Bill
Strict EPA Boiler Regulations Costly to Southwest Washington Employers

Vancouver, Jul 1, 2011 - Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler today announced her support for bipartisan legislation that would directly benefit job creators in Southwest Washington.  The “EPA Regulatory Relief Act of 2011” is aimed squarely at easing the strict compliance rules on boilers, process heaters, and incinerators.  Though the rules are on temporary hold, as currently written these rules would cost the economy billions of dollars and thousands of jobs nationally.

The current Boiler MACT rules would put costly restrictions on biomass, a burgeoning source of renewable energy in Southwest Washington.  This legislation would give the EPA more time to rewrite the rules, making them more workable for facilities and businesses.  The up-front costs to the forest product industry alone are estimated to be $5 – 7 billion.

“I am pleased to support this job-creating solution that would lead directly to more jobs and economic growth in Southwest Washington,” said Herrera Beutler.  “For example, Cowlitz County businesses, like Longview Fibre and Swanson Bark, would benefit directly from this legislation by giving the biomass industry practical, predictable rules.  This regulatory relief will help us create and keep good paying jobs right here at home in Southwest Washington, where they are needed.  I’ll continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to pass this common sense jobs-focused legislation into law.”

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