Press Releases

Jan 29, 2010

Harper Field Rep. Establishes Monthly Office Schedule To Better Service District

“I am committed to providing the very best constituent services possible to the people who have elected me to office,” said Congressman Gregg Harper. “Evan Gardner has worked with me as a Field Representative since I took office in January of 2009, and I know he shares my commitment of serving the citizens across the Third Congressional District.”

Jan 27, 2010

Harper: President Obama Should Consider GOP Solutions

“The President is clearly out of touch with American citizens. After the President’s driving the federal deficit to a record $1.47 trillion, millions of people are still without jobs. Americans have real anxiety on the government takeover of health care and the idea of a national energy tax, particularly considering this Administration’s power grab to control the nation’s housing and financial markets and the auto industry. Congress should be focused on growing the economy, not growing the federal government."

Jan 22, 2010

Backroom Deals Are Bad For America

Issues: Health Care

Democratic Members of Congress continue to strike sweetheart deals needed to pass their government takeover of health care in the smoke-filled corners of Washington. This unfair practice of burdening Americans across the political spectrum so that politically favored constituents can benefit must come to an end.

Jan 14, 2010

Where's The Sunshine?

Issues: Health Care

The U.S. House of Representatives is comprised of men and women elected to represent the interests of their congressional districts. For this reason, it is sensible that the American public and federal legislators receive access to the health care negotiations taking place behind closed doors.

Jan 13, 2010

House Passes Harper Bill To Honor Fallen Soldier

“Naming this facility will present a constant reminder of the sacrifices Sgt. Ingram and other Mississippians have made through their service to our country,” said Congressman Gregg Harper. “Matthew’s love for his country and able leadership took him from Hickory, Mississippi to Afghanistan and his courage and sacrifice will not be forgotten.”

Jan 6, 2010

Harper Presses Democratic Leadership To Provide Transparency Into Health Care Negotiations

Issues: Health Care

“Concerned citizens across the country are tuned in as House Democratic leaders assemble the massive health care overhaul behind closed doors. Ironically, President Obama stated in the first sentence of his first executive order that, ‘My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government.’ While discussing the health care overhaul during his presidential campaign, he declared, ‘We’ll have the negotiations televised on C-SPAN, so that people can see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents, and who are making arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies.’"

Dec 16, 2009

Harper On Copenhagen Treaty: "America Cannot Afford To Gamble With A Misguided Energy Policy"

Issues: Energy

“In today’s struggling economy, America cannot afford to gamble with a misguided energy policy. This is why I oppose the Democrats’ national energy tax and support an ‘all of the above’ energy bill. Harnessing new technologies is important, but Congress must not lose focus on increasing American energy from oil, natural gas, clean coal technology and nuclear power."

Dec 3, 2009

Members of Election Oversight Committee Call on EAC Commissioner to Resign

Issues: Elections

“Our investigation of this matter confirms that it was a clear case of refusing to hire the best candidate solely because he was a Republican. The action calls the EAC’s integrity into doubt and adds yet another burden on already-suffering taxpayers. If the EAC cannot put partisanship aside when hiring staff, how can we trust it will put partisanship aside when dealing with elections? Nothing can undo the damage that is done. Fairness for the voters, the taxpayers, and all federal employees requires that Commissioner Hillman resign.”

Nov 17, 2009

Wicker & Harper Defend “In God We Trust”

“As our founders were drafting the Constitution and forming our nation, numerous sources point to their reliance on God for direction and wisdom,” Harper said. “The installation of these two enduring references stand as constant reminders of the trust our founders placed in God for the guidance and providence in the birth, development and future of our nation. Attempts to remove these permanent fixtures of our country’s rich history and foundation are ill-advised and should be rejected.”

Nov 7, 2009

Harper Opposes Government Health Care Overhaul

Issues: Health Care

“I believe health care reform should help states, families and small businesses address the problem of skyrocketing costs, not raise premiums for private policy holders and burden states with unfunded mandates,” said Congressman Gregg Harper.
