Press Releases

Mar 15, 2011

Harper Votes To Cut Additional $6 Billion In Federal Spending

By cutting spending $6 billion and eliminating 25 wasteful programs, this vote confirms my commitment to driving down spending and shrinking the size of the federal government.

Mar 10, 2011

Study Finds 5,000 Non-Citizens Likely Voted in Colorado

Issues: Elections

"This report is extremely troubling and cause for a thorough review of the current registration processes implemented across the country, which I guarantee will be a priority for this Subcommittee. It also calls into question each state’s ability to enforce current voting laws and whether or not we need to pursue additional measures to better protect the integrity of our electoral process."

Mar 7, 2011

Harper Denounces Administration's Move To Tap Fuel Reserves

Issues: Energy

"Instead of slowing the approval process for new offshore drilling permits, the President should be promoting increased domestic energy production from oil, renewables, natural gas, clean coal technology and nuclear power – ultimately leading to an energy independent America. Expanding our supply of domestic energy would lower costs, reduce our dependence on foreign oil from nations like Libya and create American jobs."

Feb 14, 2011

Harper, Engel Reestablish House Fragile X Caucus

“These accomplishments have had a significant impact on the Fragile X community, but this is only the beginning of Fragile X advocates’ promising journey,” added the chairmen. “We will maintain our efforts to ensure that every youth with a significant disability has the opportunity, encouragement and support to become gainfully employed in an integrated setting, pursue a post-secondary education, and contribute to and meaningfully engage in typical community settings upon leaving high school.”

Feb 11, 2011

Harper Introduces Bill to Terminate EAC

Issues: Elections

“The Election Assistance Commission is a prime example of an unnecessary government organization developed with good intentions that has outlived its usefulness. By eliminating the EAC, we are furthering our commitment to eradicate wasteful spending and inefficiencies in government operations.”

Feb 10, 2011

Harper Introduces Intellectual Disabilities Legislative Package

“In order for individuals living with intellectual and developmental disabilities to reach their maximum potential, Congress must enact a systems change,” said Harper. “The current federal disability laws are hopelessly outdated and will ultimately lead to unemployment and poverty for these children.”

Jan 26, 2011

Harper Receives Subcommittee Chairmanship

Issues: Elections

“I am honored that Chairman Lungren has selected me to lead the Republican efforts for fair and principled elections,” said Harper. “I am eager to work on legislation that will modernize the voting process, safeguard against election fraud, and protect Americans’ right to vote.”

Jan 25, 2011

Harper Reacts To President's Address To Congress

“Actions always speak louder than words. I welcome the President’s change of heart and look forward to his joining Republicans in our efforts to create jobs, drive down spending and shrink the size of the federal government.”

Jan 19, 2011

Harper: 'Affordable Care Act' Is Politics Above Economics

Issues: Health Care

“The so-called ‘Affordable Care Act’ is nothing short of politics above economics. This penalizing law is loaded with excessive constraints and oppressive federal mandates on states. As Medicaid rolls rise, state revenues continue to fall, and this law only increases the challenges that Governors face in their attempts to balance their budgets."

Jan 5, 2011

Harper Takes Oath For Second Term In U.S. House

“I am eager to enact our governing agenda that focuses on creating jobs, reducing spending and slashing the size of the federal government,” said Harper, a Republican who represents the Third District of Mississippi. “Republicans will take swift action to turn America from the failed economic policies of the White House, to the conservative principles that promote prosperity through individual freedoms and liberties from the federal government.”
