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January 7, 2013
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: The Hoax of Entitlement Reform

Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley; Author, 'Beyond Outrage'

Taming future deficits requires three steps having nothing to do with entitlements: Limiting the growth of overall healthcare costs, cutting our bloated military, and ending corporate welfare.

Obama To Nominate New CIA Director

John Brennan Cia

GOP Lawmakers Throw Cold Water On 'In-Your-Face' Obama Move

Lindsey Graham


Mitch Mcconnel

Vulnerable Republicans Fear Tea Party Threat

Gay GOP Group Goes After Obama Pick

Log Cabin Republicans Chuck Hagel

Tea Party Group's Civil War Ignited By 'Smoking Gun'


'I Need This Job Like I Need A Hole In The Head'

John Boehner Fiscal Cliff Deal

Conservative 'Troublemaker' Readies Plot For GOP Takeover

Bill Kristol Chuck Hagel

How Obama Can Avoid Ominous GOP Standoff

Obama Debt Ceiling

Christie's GOP Battles Could Leave Him Vulnerable

Chris Christie

Dem Boosted After Taking Down Allen West

Patrick Murphy Allen West

Rand Paul Makes Unlikely Push For 'Minority Opinion'

Rand Paul Israel

'Tough' Decision Put Ryan In Conflict With Conservative Allies

Paul Ryan

McChrystal 'Completely Surprised' By Career-Killing 'Problem'

General Mcchrystal

Hagel Nomination Expected Monday

Chuck Hagel

Elaborate Scheme Underlies Beck, Limbaugh Movements

Right Wing Media

GOP Rep: 'It's About Time' We Have Another Government Shutdown

Matt Salmon Government Shutdown

How 'Staunch Republican' Forged Bond With Obama

Obama Chuck Hagel

Poll Signals Trouble For Rick Scott

Rick Scott Approval Ratings

Rand Paul's Son Reportedly In Hot Water

Rand Paul Son Arrested

McConnell Makes Prediction On Imminent Obama Move

Mitch Mcconnell Chuck Hagel
1 of 9

Tea Party Favorite Rails Against 'Unconstitutional' Dem Proposals

Ted Cruz Gun Control

Dem Senator Criticizes 'Extreme' White House Vision

Heidi Heitkamp

Pelosi Urges Obama To Buck GOP On Contentious Debate

Nancy Pelosi

ANGRY AS EVER: 'It's Frustrating To See The GOP Drop The Ball'


Limbaugh Rails Against Obama 'Slap In The Face'

Rush Limbaugh Obama

Republican's Outrageous Remarks Put Walker In Hot Water

Scott Walker Glenn Grothman

Prominent Media Figures Butt Heads Over Contentious Issue

Gwen Ifill Greta Van Susteren

Marine Slams Feinstein: 'I Am Not Your Servant'
