Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

77th Cong.  ↑  56 Stat.  ↑  Mar. 27, 1942  ↑  1942:198 1942:199 1942:200
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
101–103 176, 177 49 304, 310a, 911 Rev. T.
101–103 176, 177 50 App. 631–631b Rep.
201 177 50 171a Elim.
201 177 50 App. 632 Elim.
202 50 App. 632a Elim.
301 177 50 App. 633 Elim.
301 177 50 App. 1152 Elim.
401 180 12 355
401 180 50 App. 634 Elim.
501 180 50 App. 635, 636, 636a Elim.
601, 602 180 50 App. 721 Elim.
701 181 5 118i Rev. T.
701, 801, 901 181 50 App. 637–639 Rep.
1001 182, 183 8 1001–1005 Rep.
1001 182 50 App. 640 Rep.
1101–1106 183, 184 50 App. 641–641e Rep.
1107 50 App. 641f Rep.
1201–1206 184, 185 50 App. 642–642e Elim.
1301–1304 185–187 50 App. 643–643c Elim.
1401–1403 186 50 App. 644–644b Elim.
1501, 1502 187 50 App. 645, 645a Elim.
1503 50 App. 645b Elim.