23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar Store

Mmm, “potted meat!” posted

I know, right? Now tell your friends!
23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar Store
Angela Meiquan Wang

1. "Beer Bread" - just add beer and butter!

Larry The Cable Guy is ALWAYS a trustworthy food endorsement.

2. Entire breakfasts

What better way to start your day than with $1 scrambled eggs with hash browns and pork sausage links? Major DEAL.

3. Chunk Ham

4. Fish and cheese sandwich

Would definitely try the controversial fish 'n' cheese pairing in frozen sandwich form.

5. Cocktail Smoked Oysters

Solid seafood is hard to come by in suburban Utah, where this dollar store is located. Would try this in times of seafood need.

6. Lobster spread with cognac

Recession special fine dining. Would try this in times of major self-loathing.

7. ...and shrimp spread, from the same illustrious folks

8. Wyler's Authentic Italian Ices

Wyler: definitely an authentic Italian name. Would try because Otter Pops are awesome.

9. Nacho cheese

Big tub of bright orange, questionable cheese - I'm actually pretty sure I'd enjoy this.

10. Potted Meat

I actually did try this one. Didn't get through the entire can without feeling violently ill, but willing to give it another shot.

11. Chicken-flavored snack crackers

Try with nacho cheese or lobster cognac spread.

12. All natural french fried onions

I don't know what this means. This product confuses me.

13. Dumplings & Chicken

Still confused here.

14. Sugar free parfaits

15. Luncheon Loaf

For a 'fitting lifestyle,' of course. Would try because BACON GRILL.

16. Beef flavored rice/vermicelli mix

Vermicelli does not appear to be pictured. Would try this to figure out where the vermicelli is.

17. Frozen packs of chicken drumsticks

18. Frozen pork filets, right next door

19. Vienna Sausage, from the people who brought you "Potted Meat"

20. Brown gravy mix, by "Chef Swagger's Kitchen"

This looks very promising - who could resist the charms of Chef Swagger?

21. Canned German potato salad

22. Single-serving snack sausage

Not sure if human food or dog food.

23. Pre-packaged cheeseburgers

Seems like a better bet than cheeseburger in a can, which also exists. Would try.

And conveniently right next to the food aisles, you can pick up industrial cleaners for your engine!


All photos taken with my cellular phone mobile device thing in an Orem, UT Dollar Tree.

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    21 Responses So Far

    • alexanderq thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Ew  a few minutes ago
    • Natalie B.   23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... and thinks it’s WTF & Fail  about a half hour ago
    • Natalie B.
      a half hour ago

      #16 - Found in every American grocery store. That's a national brand or knock off of one, and a deal at $1. I guess you don't know what vermicelli is. It's those long brown pieces mixed in with the rice. And it's good!

    • Natalie B.
      an hour ago

      Probably posted by some snot-ass teen who doesn't even pay for their “mobile device”. Oh wait, it's Buzzfeed staff? I guess they're ridiculously overpaid and would never eat down-to-earth food, then.

    • robbyl2
      an hour ago

      Polar smoked oysters are purty damn tasty. Their seal eyes are for shit, though…too many lashes.

    • Shaaalien thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Fail  about an hour ago
    • Shaaalien
      an hour ago

      Seriously. Only about five percent of this article is horrifying. That five percent is the fact that these items are claimed as being horrifying.

    • Shaaalien
      an hour ago

      I love beer bread. There is also a version called soda bread….

    • Jami thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Fail  about 2 hours ago
    • BurtLancaster thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • carriep5 thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Fail  about 2 hours ago
    • shanedoe thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Fail  about 3 hours ago
    • beefandfur thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Fail  about 3 hours ago
    • criso321 thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Ew  about 3 hours ago
    • bruuno
      3 hours ago

      French Fried Onions and Chicken and Dumplings confuses you? That is pretty sad. I have actually had several of these products and most aren't bad.

    • MagmaTron thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Old, Trashy & Fail  about 3 hours ago
    • Lillithdv8
      3 hours ago

      Epic Meal time should hear about this

    • Carstel thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Ew & WTF  about 5 hours ago
    • beefandfur
      5 hours ago

      Only a smug, pompous jerk would post this. Many of these items are in grocery stores and the allusion that “dollar store = POOR” as a source of humor is beyond belief. Horrifying? Grow up.

    • adamchristinal
      5 hours ago

      You people are aware that you are 100% in control of what articles you read on the internet… right? If you think you'll find it offensive, don't read it.

    • katieg5 thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Ew  about 5 hours ago
    • Bridiee
      5 hours ago

      I would be highly suspicious of $1 oysters. Might be BP flavor.

    • Krislyn   23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S...  about 5 hours ago
    • chrissyj3 thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Fail  about 5 hours ago
    • Louis Peitzman thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Vom  about 5 hours ago
    • gabrieljaeg
      5 hours ago

      French fried onions are delicious little crispy morsels of yum. So its not a French name brand product… so what? I bet they're delicious.

    • klrorca thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is WTF & Fail  about 6 hours ago
    • kasey g thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Fail  about 6 hours ago
    • StacySweaters thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Fail  about 6 hours ago
    • LadyBuzz2012
      6 hours ago

      Not gonna lie, #21, the potato salad is not too bad! :)

    • jennyc77
      6 hours ago

      Wow. Has the person who wrote this article ever been to real grocery store? All of these items are in a “normal” store. Granted, I probably wouldn't purchase any of the meats there because a lot of the time the expiration date is close, but still. This is ridiculous. You've never heard of Wylers or Armour?? Do you only shop in elite frou-frou hipster stores?? And I feel sorry for anyone who has never had beer bread, that shit is awesome.

    • josiahc thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Ew  about 6 hours ago
    • paintitblack159   23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S...  about 6 hours ago
    • roychristopherp
      7 hours ago

      None of these are in my local Dollar Store. I'd certainly give a few of them a try.

    • smg7320 thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Ew  about 7 hours ago
    • i would probably question the authenticity of $1 chicken……..

    • winkypants
      7 hours ago

      Is it strange that these foods cause no shock or horror to me? They all seem pretty reasonable. I'm just glad there is a place to buy a variety of inexpensive foods for those who want more than a sack of flour for their hard-earned and lonesome dollars.

    • Kater thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Ew  about 7 hours ago
    • ThatOneZombie
      8 hours ago

      To the idiot who posted this article #10 and #19 are actually in pretty much every grocery store and they are actually pretty good. Try again.

    • alicer13 thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is Ew & LOL  about 8 hours ago
    • Floobity
      9 hours ago

      #8 Wyler's is actually pretty tasty. I used to get their Italian ice cups all the time.

    • ondrea thinks 23 Horrifying Foods From The Dollar S... is LOL  about 9 hours ago
    • amjensen410
      9 hours ago

      All of the meat stuff probably looks and tastes like vomit.
      I believe #21 is actually sold in regular supermarkets, though. Not sure if I've had that brand, but I've had canned German potato salad and it's actually quite good.

    • FlickMontana
      9 hours ago

      #9 You're the only one using the word “cheese.”

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