Working to Prevent Cuts to Head Start

Hinchey Visits a Head Start Class in Woodbourne READ MORE

Working to Protect Drinking Water from Unregulated Fracking

Hinchey Speaks at Upper Delaware on need to protect river from risks of hydraulic fracturing gas drilling. READ MORE

Making the Pentagon More Energy Efficient

Hinchey forms Defense Energy Security Caucus READ MORE

Helping New Yorkers Recover

Hinchey working to deliver relief after the one-two punch of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee. READ MORE

Fighting to Protect Medicare and Social Security

Hinchey visits senior center to discuss his efforts to prevent cuts to Social Security and Medicare. READ MORE

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U.S. Navy Awards Hinchey Highest Civilian Honor

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Arlington, VA – U.S. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus today presented Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) with the Navy Distinguished Public Service Award in a ceremony at his office in the Pentagon. The award is the highest recognition that the Secretary of the Navy may pay to a civilian not em...


Hinchey Announces Service Academy Nominations for Class of 2017

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

"It is my privilege to put forward the names of 21 students who represent the very best of what our part of New York has to offer," said Hinchey. "Throughout my career in Congress, I have had the opportunity to nominate hundreds of area residents for our nation's service academies. Th...


Hinchey Thanks Constituents at Last Official Stops in Orange and Ulster

Monday, 17 December 2012

"Despite all the battles won and lost, I wanted to be here today to say thank you to all of you who stood with me as we took on the big fights," said Hinchey. "For these reasons and many others, I am very proud to have represented you in Congress, pr...


After 20 Years in Congress, Hinchey Says Thanks

Monday, 10 December 2012

"Despite all the battles won and lost, I wanted to be here today to say thank you to all of you who stood with me as we took on the big fights," said Hinchey. "For these reasons and many others, I am very proud to have represented you in Congress, pr...


Hinchey Statement on Completion of Third Season of Hudson River Dredging

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

"The progress made this season toward the goal achieving a cleaner Hudson River cannot be overstated. With 1.3 million cubic yards of contaminated sediment now removed from the river, we are halfway to our goal. The Environmental Protection Agency has done an outstanding job of monitoring this project closely, minimizing th...

  • Let's Work Together for a Full Year Extension of the Payroll Tax Cut
    Tuesday, 3 January 2012

    The American people hold Congress in low regard, and given the debate over extending the payroll tax cut it's not hard to see why. Congress again found itself in a deadlock as taxes were set to rise by over $1,000 next year for the average American who has a job, and unemployment benefits were set to run out for over 175,000 New Yorkers who are desperately trying to find a job. This was unacceptable, and the reason was pure politics.

  • After Irene, Congress Should Set Politics Aside and Approve Emergency Funding
    Friday, 2 September 2011

    As New York works to recover from the aftermath of Hurricane Irene, an unfortunate battle is brewing in Washington over how to provide the funding necessary to meet the federal government's disaster recovery obligations. As I return to Washington for votes next week, I am going to do everything I can to ensure that New Yorkers, and all Americans affected by this storm, have the resources they need to repair their homes and get their businesses and farms up and running. I'm also going to fight to ensure that municipalities, already suffering from budget shortfalls, have the resources they need to repair vital infrastructure so that people can return to their normal routines as soon as possible. It is important to realize, however, that this year alone at least 18 states have been directly affected by natural disasters, and now the President's Disaster Relief Fund is running dangerously low. In the past, when similar shortfalls have occurred, Congress hasn't l

  • After Irene, My Offices Are Ready to Help You Navigate the Federal Disaster Assistance Process
    Wednesday, 31 August 2011

    Today, President Obama issued a Major Disaster Declaration for 19 counties in New York. This designation will enable individuals, families, businesses, farmers and municipalities in our district to use federal aid to repair and rebuild in the wake of Hurricane Irene. My offices across the district are able help you navigate the process of applying for federal aid. Read on to find out more about what assistance may be available to you. Please note that Delaware, Dutchess and Ulster are the only counties in our district currently eligible for assistance. I'm working to add additional counties to this list and it is likely more areas will be eligible for assistance in the coming days. Individual Assistance: The United States Government will provide federal aid and funding directly to affected individuals in Delaware, Dutchess and Ulster counties. The Federal Emergency

  • Hurricane Irene Recovery Help
    Monday, 29 August 2011

    Our part of New York was hit hard by Hurricane Irene. Millions across the state lost power and many experienced serious flooding and damage to their homes.  If you need assistance with a federal government agency, please don't hesitate to contact my offices. Governor Cuomo has some great tips for staying safe after the storm - you can view them here. The Governor's office has also posted a list of Immediate Steps New Yorkers Should Take Regarding Hurricane Property Losses and Insurance Claims. If you are still experiencing a power outage, please contact your utility company: Broome/Sullivan/Tioga/Tompkins/Delaware:NYSEG: 1-800-572-1131 Ulster/


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