I’ll be at Reddit for Ask Me (Almost) Anything: [UPDATED: Monday 12/10 3 pm ET]

By Carl Zimmer | December 6, 2012 10:50 am

In the wake of my story in the Times on zombies and today in Slate on our inner viruses, I figured I had stirred up enough questions to try out Reddit’s feature, Ask Me (Almost) Anything. So I’ll be there tomorrow Monday 12/10 at 3 pm ET. See you then!

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CATEGORIZED UNDER: A Planet of Viruses, Talks

Me on BBC: Viruses of the Future–Friends or Enemies?

By Carl Zimmer | December 6, 2012 9:48 am

I was recently interviewed by a BBC reporter about viruses and their potential to devastate or help us in years to come. The video is now posted, and you can watch it here.

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CATEGORIZED UNDER: A Planet of Viruses, Talks

New on Slate: How koalas are becoming part virus…just like us

By Carl Zimmer | December 6, 2012 9:17 am

Slate is running a “pandemics” series, and I’m offering up the view from deep time. Koalas are getting hammered by a viral epidemic right now, and we’d do well to understand their woes. Because over the past 60 million years, we’ve experienced much the same thing, and it’s helped make us who we are today. [...]

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What Pharma can learn from a parasite: my new piece for the New York Times

By Carl Zimmer | December 5, 2012 5:19 pm

As you may be aware, I have a thing for parasites. So it was with great pleasure that I read through the latest issue of the Journal of Experimental Biology, which is entirely dedicated to the ways in which parasites turn hosts into zombies. What’s particularly newsworthy is that scientists are finally getting down to [...]

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Heredity: New Radiolab Episode (Introducing Charlotte and Veronica Zimmer)

By Carl Zimmer | November 20, 2012 7:57 am

Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich have a new episode of Radiolab airing this week. The theme of the show is heredity and its attendant mysteries. I had great fun telling the strange and tragic story of the early twentieth century biologist Paul Kammerer, who thought he could change the human race with the help of [...]

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Steven Pinker’s Style Guide

By Carl Zimmer | November 16, 2012 1:33 pm

Each year I run a workshop for science graduate students at Yale, encouraging them to write clearly, compellingly, and effectively. I’m tempted next year to just cue up this video of Steven Pinker discussing his next book–a psychology-based guide to good writing–and kick back. [via]

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Creeping Out the Kids: @TEDYouth tomorrow

By Carl Zimmer | November 16, 2012 12:35 pm

TEDYouth is in its second year of putting together an afternoon of short talks for high school students. I’ll be joining in with a quick introduction to my favorite parasite. The event, which takes place in New York City, will be live-streamed–visit this page for more information for viewing. It will run from 1 pm [...]

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Fear, Reward, and The Bottle: An Update to My Column on Neurogenetics

By Carl Zimmer | November 15, 2012 12:50 pm

In May I wrote in Discover about a major experiment in neuroscience. Ahmad Hariri, a neuroscientist at Duke, is gathering lots of data from hundreds of college students–everything from genetic markers to psychological profiles to fMRI scans. He hopes that the Duke Neurogenetics Study, as he’s dubbed it, will reveal some of the ways in [...]

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CATEGORIZED UNDER: Brains, Writing Elsewhere

Excuse The Hoot!

By Carl Zimmer | November 14, 2012 11:00 am

The American Association for the Advancement of Science has just announced this year’s Kavli Awards for Science Journalism. I’m pleased to report that I won in the category of newspapers with a circulation of 100,000 or more. The award was for three stories I wrote for The New York Times. They didn’t have much in common, which [...]

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CATEGORIZED UNDER: Meta, Writing Elsewhere

Herman Melville, Science Writer

By Carl Zimmer | November 11, 2012 11:00 am

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been dipping into a project called “Moby Dick Big Read.” Plymouth University in England is posting a reading of Moby Dick, one chapter a day. The readers are a mix of writers, artists, and actors, including Tilda Swinton.  They are also posting the chapters on SoundCloud, which makes them very [...]

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