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Clay Salutes "Baseball's Perfect Warrior" as Cardinal Hall of Famer Stan Musial Receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom

STEVEN ENGELHARDT (314) 504-4029

Clay Salutes “Baseball’s Perfect Warrior”
as Cardinal Hall of Famer Stan Musial Receives the
Presidential Medal of Freedom

Congressman Wm. Lacy Clay (D) Missouri saluted St. Louis Cardinals Hall of Famer Stan “the Man” Musial as he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom today at the White House. The award is our nation’s highest civilian honor.

“I am truly blessed to have cheered for Stan as a young fan at Sportsman’s Park, where my Dad took me to see him many times. I then had the good fortune to know him as an adult. And I can honestly say that as magnificent a ballplayer as he was, he is truly a better citizen. Stan Musial is a national treasure.

His remarkable life represents the very best of America. Stan served his nation in time of war and then returned to set almost every offensive baseball record as a 24-time National League All-Star.

We should also remember that Stan showed great courage by being one of the first white ballplayers to welcome Jackie Robinson into the Major Leagues with friendship and respect.

Former Baseball Commissioner Ford Frick may have said it best with the words that are inscribed at the base of Stan Musial’s statue in front of Busch Stadium…

"Here stands baseball's perfect warrior. Here stands baseball's perfect knight."

Congressman Clay also congratulates St. Louis native Dr. Maya Angelou and his colleague, Congressman John Lewis (D) Georgia, who also received the Presidential Medal of Freedom today from President Obama.
