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Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program

Funding: $210 million

Administrator: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Description: To provide assistance for communities to modify, renovate and upgrade fire stations.

Web sites:


Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant Program

Funding: The Recovery Act waives the cost-share requirement for SAFER grants awarded with fiscal year 2009 and 2010 funding. FY 2009 available funding is $210 million

Administrator: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Description: To help fire departments increase the number of trained "front-line" firefighters available in their communities.  The Recovery Act eliminates all non-federal matching requirements for grants during FY 2009-2010.

Web site:


Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Grants

Funding: $1 billion

Administrator: Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services

Description: Funds will be used for hiring and rehiring of additional career law enforcement officers.

Web site:


Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program

Funding: $2 billion; New Jersey will receive $48 million: 60 percent for the state and 40 percent for local jurisdictions

Administrator: State of New Jersey and Local Jurisdictions

Description: Funds can be used for a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime and improve the criminal justice system.  This includes law enforcement programs; prosecution and courts; prevention and education; corrections; drug treatment and enforcement; planning, evaluation, and technology improvement; crime victim and witness programs. Funds can be used to pay for personnel, overtime, and equipment. Funds provided to states can be used for statewide initiatives, technical assistance and training, and support for local and rural jurisdictions.

Web sites:


Byrne Competitive Grant Program

Funding: $225 million in competitive grant funding

Administrator: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Assistance

Description: These grants help state and local communities improve the capacity of local justice systems and may be used for national efforts such as training and technical assistance. Applicants may be national, regional, state, or local public and private entities, including for-profit (commercial) and nonprofit organizations, faith-based and community organizations, institutions of higher education, tribal jurisdictions, and units of local government that support the functioning of the criminal justice system.

Web site:


STOP Violence Against Women Program

Funding: $140 million; New Jersey will receive $3.6 million in formula funding

Administrator: State of New Jersey

Description: The STOP (Services, Training, Officers, and Prosecutors) Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program promotes a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to improving the criminal justice system's response to violent crimes against women. Rules allow 10% of the total award to be used to administer the grant program. The balance of the funding must be allocated as follows: 25 percent to law enforcement, 25 percent to prosecution, 30 percent to victims services, 15 percent discretionary and 5 percent to courts.

Web site:

Phone: (609) 896-8855


State Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions

Funding: $8.75 million to HHS designated State coalitions

Administrator: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Domestic Violence Against Women

Description: Funds will be provided to state coalitions to support the coordination of state victim services activities, and collaboration and coordination with federal, state, and local entities engaged in violence against women activities.

Web site:


Transitional Housing Assistance Program

Funding: $43 million in competitive funding

Administrator: U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women

Description: Funds will be used to provide victim-centered transitional housing services and related support services to assist individuals who are fleeing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Eligible applicants include States, units of local government, Indian tribes, and other organizations with a documented history of effective work concerning domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.  In addition to short-term housing assistance funds may also be used for transportation, counseling, child care, case management, and employment counseling.

Web site:


Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force

Funding: $50 million; New Jersey will receive $901,000 in formula funding

Administrator: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice

Description: Funds will be used to help State and local law enforcement enhance investigative responses to offenders who use the Internet, online communication systems, or other computer technology to sexually exploit children.  Applicants are limited to only those State and local law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies who currently receive funds under the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force program.

Web site:


Victims Compensation and Assistance

Funding: $100 million; New Jersey will receive $2.4 million in formula funding

Administrator: State of New Jersey and the Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs

Description: Funds will go to the State to support State compensation and assistance programs for victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, drunk driving, homicide, and other Federal and state crimes.

Web site: