
Contact: Ed McDonald (202) 225-3065



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Washington, Sep 15, 2010 -

        (WASHINGTON, D.C.)----The expansion of the law that requires certain agencies of the federal government to purchase made in America products passed the House today.  The cochairman of the Congressional Textile Caucus, U.S. Rep. Howard Coble (R-NC), told his House colleagues that the Berry Amendment should be expanded to include purchases made by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

          Under current law, the Berry Amendment requires the U.S. Department of Defense to “buy American” for certain products that are judged to be essential to our military readiness.  “Buy American” means that 100 percent of the product is produced and manufactured in the United States. 

          Congressman Coble spoke in support of the bill today (H.R. 3116) to expand the Berry Amendment to DHS, specifically the Transportation Security Administration.  H.R. 3116 is sponsored by Rep. Larry Kissell (D-NC).  Below is Rep. Coble’s entire floor statement:

          “The Berry Amendment requires the U.S. Defense Department (DOD) to buy American for certain products that are judged to be essential to our military readiness.  Buy American means that 100 percent of the product is produced and manufactured in the United States.

            “The Berry Amendment helps ensure that we have a reliable domestic source for certain vital goods during war times and that our troops are equipped with the highest quality equipment.  The Berry Amendment has worked well.  I am not aware of any situation, Mr. Speaker, where it has limited the ability of our military to procure items and it has ensured that our troops receive the highest quality essential equipment.  Finally, it helps certain costs in the long term.

            “H.R. 3116 will expand this requirement to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  DHS, as we all know, has grown, and while the Berry Amendment has been highly successful for our military, I see no reason why it would not be equally successful for DHS.  The requirement is not unlimited because government procurement policies are also covered by World Trade Organization rules.  Berry-type requirements are only permissible for agencies that are critical to national security.  As a result, Mr. Speaker, it is my understanding that H.R. 3116 would only apply to the Transportation Security Administration because of its national security role in securing our various and sundry airports.

            “I was pleased that President Obama supported the Berry Amendment while he was serving in the Senate and hope that his views on this matter have not changed, and I think they probably have not.  The Berry Amendment, furthermore, has been endorsed by AMTAC, the American Manufacturing Trade Action Coalition and NCTO, the National Council of Textile Organizations.

            “Economically, this requirement makes a lot of sense.  Certainly the Berry Amendment is responsible for approximately 70,000 jobs, half of which are in the domestic textile industry.  Conservative estimates from textile industry associations indicate another 21,000 jobs could be created by extending the Berry Amendment to the Department of Homeland Security.  I urge my colleagues to support the Berry Amendment, a very worthwhile proposal.”

          The bill passed the House by voice vote.  H.R. 3116 now goes to the Senate for further action.  To see Congressman Coble’s floor statement, go to his website at    

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