10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sandy Hook Massacre

Not guns. At a press conference Friday morning, the NRA's Wayne LaPierre offered some other villains. posted

I know, right? Now tell your friends!
10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sandy Hoo...
Ruby Cramer

1. The Media

"Rather than face their own moral failings, the media demonize gun owners."

Image by Brendan Hoffman / Getty Images

2. Video Games

"And here’s another dirty little truth that the media try their best to conceal. There exists in this country, sadly, a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells and stows violence against its own people. Through vicious, violent video games with names like 'Bullet Storm,' 'Grand Theft Auto,' 'Mortal Combat,' and 'Splatterhouse.'"

3. President Obama

"Ladies and gentlemen, there’s no national one size fits all solution to protecting our children. But do know that this president zeroed out school emergency planning grants in last year’s budget and scrapped Secure Our Schools policing grants in next year’s budget."

Image by Carolyn Kaster / AP

4. Gun-Free School Zones

"The only way to answer that question is to face the truth. Politicians pass laws for gun free school zones, they issue press releases bragging about them. They post signs advertising them. And, in doing so, they tell every insane killer in America that schools are the safest place to inflict maximum mayhem with minimum risk."

5. Hurricanes

"Now, due to a declined willingness to prosecute dangerous criminals, violent crime is increasing again for the first time in 19 years. Add another hurricane, terrorist attack, or some other natural of manmade disaster, and you've got a recipe for a national nightmare of violence and victimization."

6. Sports Stadiums

"If we truly cherish our kids, more than our money, more than our celebrities, more than our sports stadiums, we must give them the greatest level of protection possible."

7. Celebrities

"If we truly cherish our kids, more than our money, more than our celebrities, more than our sports stadiums, we must give them the greatest level of protection possible."

Image by Jason Merritt / Getty Images

8. Foreign Aid

"With all the foreign aid the United States does, with all the money in the federal budget, can’t we afford to put a police officer in every single school?"

9. Movies

"I mean we have blood-soaked films out there, like 'American Psycho,' 'Natural Born Killers.' They’re aired like propaganda loops on Splatterdays and every single day."

10. Music Videos

"1,000 music videos, and you all know this, portray life as a joke and they play murder — portray murder as a way of life. And then they all have the nerve to call it entertainment. But is that what it really is? Isn’t fantasizing about killing people as a way to get your kicks really the filthiest form of pornography?"

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    40 Responses So Far

    • sleepyem thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is WTF  about an hour ago
    • tianrunlin
      2 hours ago


    • whitneys6   10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand...  about 2 hours ago
    • alexanderq thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail  about 2 hours ago
    • bryanw9   10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... and thinks it’s Fail  about 3 hours ago
    • RyanTPoole   10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... and thinks it’s Trashy, Fail & WTF  about 3 hours ago
    • Hannah Davis thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail  about 4 hours ago
    • joshuad15 thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail  about 5 hours ago
    • patrickjh2 thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Ew, Fail & Trashy  about 5 hours ago
    • Matthew C.
      6 hours ago

      Only thing I agree with is #4

    • HarryShuldman   10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... and thinks it’s Ew, LOL & Fail  about 6 hours ago
    • Perih thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is WTF & Fail  about 7 hours ago
    • mikew41   10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... and thinks it’s Ew, Trashy & WTF  about 7 hours ago
    • NerdyBadger thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail  about 7 hours ago
    • billd10 added Don't Stop Me Now play to the mix about 7 hours ago
    • gabriellew4   10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... and thinks it’s Trashy & Fail  about 8 hours ago
    • blairu   10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... and thinks it’s Trashy  about 8 hours ago
    • Nora thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Ew, Fail & Trashy  about 8 hours ago
    • Nora
      8 hours ago

      Leave it to the NRA to blame FANTASY over REALITY.
      As if people in other countries dont have all the things they blamed and yet manage not to have as much gun violence as we do.
      These are disrespectful distraction tactics.

      • mollygrrl
        a few minutes ago

        Agreed, in Australia we are exposed to all of those things on the list. But we have strict gun control laws and as a result, very little gun crime.

    • andrem2 thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Trashy, WTF & Fail  about 9 hours ago
    • mirandag3 thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Ew  about 10 hours ago
    • introvert
      10 hours ago

      There is a solution and it starts with basic human interaction. If people continue to treat each other like crap, then the violence will continue forever. Evolution and calling 911 are just too slow. The decision to be cordial and respectful to one's surroundings is the fastest and most effective decision that can be made. However, until that happens, it would be best to take plenty of self-defense courses.

    • berenice thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail, WTF & LOL  about 10 hours ago
    • jakef2   10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... and thinks it’s Fail  about 11 hours ago
    • brendan2 thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail & LOL  about 11 hours ago
    • Diana07 thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail & WTF  about 11 hours ago
    • Louie G.   10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand...  about 11 hours ago
    • ljwagner04   10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... and thinks it’s Trashy, Fail & WTF  about 11 hours ago
    • micaelal thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail  about 11 hours ago
    • cremar17 thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Trashy, Fail & Ew  about 12 hours ago
    • buddersmoosh
      12 hours ago

      All this douchebag wants is more money in his pockets! Douchebag!!!

    • buddersmoosh thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is WTF & Fail  about 12 hours ago
    • capt.jakov thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Trashy & Fail  about 12 hours ago
    • Jassy217
      12 hours ago

      I'm surprised at how many uninformed people feel the need to comment on this issue. And at how many people can imagine anything can be “taken out of context” when direct quotes were used in this article. Bottom line: guns are scary machines that can kill you and they make people uncomfortable. Respect that.

      • stuffondemand
        12 hours ago

        It'd be awesome if all people could respect that. Instead, lots of them place their right to carry firearms above the well being and safety of other men, women, and children. I'm not too worried, personally. Sadly, I think it's just a matter of how many more families need to lose young children to gun violence before enough people get it.

    • Jassy217 thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail & WTF  about 12 hours ago
    • Carstel thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail & WTF  about 13 hours ago
    • markb59 thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Trashy & Fail  about 13 hours ago
    • anthonys23 thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Facepalm!  about 13 hours ago
    • posdata thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail  about 13 hours ago
    • TheMusixMyLife   10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... and thinks it’s Win  about 14 hours ago
    • johns97
      14 hours ago

      Always good to see debate stifled.
      If there was an easy answer it would have been implemented.
      If you get rid of guns they will use knives, like London

    • johns97 thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Win  about 14 hours ago
    • emmac10 thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail  about 14 hours ago
    • fakeplastictrees thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail & LOL  about 14 hours ago
    • phophuklai
      14 hours ago

      Foreign aid is 1% of the federal budget. Our kids aren't dying because we provide food to starving children in Africa. This guy is just deranged.

    • sarahh47 thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail  about 14 hours ago
    • kerrit2 thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail & WTF  about 14 hours ago
    • haroldw2 thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail  about 14 hours ago
    • FlickMontana
      14 hours ago

      I'm a self-defense advocate, but the corporate lobby representing big businesses should STFU already. Fuckers. Conflict of interest.

    • benjaminc5
      14 hours ago

      They aren't wrong about everything. Just Number 2 and 9. Although media doesn't cause anyone to do anything. It does provide homicidal maniacs with some ideas. They have really good points about gun free school zones, Obama cutting funding for defense of schools, and foreign aid. It's like when Clinton gutted the army and CIA. When defense is weakened, killers are emboldened.

      • stuffondemand
        13 hours ago

        So they're right about music videos and this country being one hurricane away from Lord of the Flies if more citizens aren't packing? HAHAHAHAHAHA okay Better hope gangsta rap doesn't experience a resurgence during next year's hurricane season or buddy, we are good and screwed.

    • molonlabe88
      14 hours ago

      Another bias article from the great buzzfeed.

      • stuffondemand
        14 hours ago

        In what way is it biased? It's just a bunch of quotes from an old, rich white man who knows his organization has been backed into a corner and is flailing wildly at the world's worst attempt at damage control and misdirection. When, for example, were music or music videos last blamed for harmful behavior? 'Cuz I'm pretty sure it was with Tipper Gore back in the late 80s/early 90s. That's twenty fucking years ago, and guess what? She was, in a way and like it or not, successful in music regulation, because now if an album drops the F-bomb, the RIAA mandates that the label release it with an Explicit Content warning on it and stores aren't allowed, technically, to sell them to minors. Same as guns. That means that Pretty Lights' amazing album Passing Behind Your Eyes can't be bought by a 16-year old because it contains a sample of a rapper singing, “Fuck 'em, I didn't want to go to heaven anyway”, and the same amount of regulation is applied to a device that can blow out the back of someone's head in a fraction of a second. Is it not maybe time to consider some stricter regulations on that second thing?

    • molonlabe88   10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... and thinks it’s Win  about 14 hours ago
    • Anchellada thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Trashy  about 14 hours ago
    • SkelIy
      14 hours ago

      It bugs me when people say video games make you violent. It is the biggest load I ever heard. I'm a massive gamer. I love all genres from platformers, to racing, to FPS's and more. I love games like God of War which are filled with gratuitous violence and gore and yet I wouldn't dream of inflicting pain on someone. If games do make you violent then I wouldn't spend my summer teaching art to troubled and special needs children, help people I randomly meet and I certainly wouldn't be a pacifist. Hell I walk into a wall and I say sorry to it. Saying that my playing a shooter is training me to shoot a gun and kill people is like saying playing Rock Band is actually teaching me the instruments or Mario is teaching me to be a plumber. It just does't work that way.  And if people are concerned about young kids playing mature games that's the parent's fault. Not the game companies or the guy in the game shop. The games are clearly labeled with their age rating, and the people working in the store can't sell games to minors because it's an offence. Parent's need to be aware of what their kids are playing and no one else.

    • taranehs thinks 10 Things The NRA Blamed For The Sand... is Fail & WTF  about 15 hours ago
    • jessicab61
      15 hours ago

      Disturbing on so many levels that they used this time for, what seemed to me, a marketing strategy Buy more guns is what I got from it.
      Not a conference, but a commercial. Sickening and repulsive.

    • jesseg10
      15 hours ago

      I find it funny how no one on this thread mentioned anything about Obama cutting funds for the children's safety measures.

      • stuffondemand
        14 hours ago

        Citation needed. Also, what “children's safety measures” specifically would have protected them from an unexpected attack from a young man with a powerful semi-automatic rifle? Kevlar? Two-inch thick ceramic helmets? No one's mentioned it because its relevancy to the discussion is questionable.

      • stuffondemand
        14 hours ago

        Oh, are you talking about this?   430 members of the House of Representatives and 100 senators + 1 President = 531 individuals responsible for not raising this issue. At least. Also, they didn't cut funding. It wasn't renewed. There's a difference. With that many people culpable, you might as well count yourself responsible as well, since I'm guessing you didn't write your congressional representative to alert them to this fact. Go away.

    • jenniferp36
      15 hours ago

      Well, apart from President Obama, we have all of those things in Canada and we manage not to have gun violence every damn day of the year. Seems to me like the only real difference is the easy access to high-capacity guns.

    • jennraz
      15 hours ago

      While I agree that the NRA's thinking is on the wrong path here, several of these things have been taken out of context by Buzzfeed. Numbers 5, 6, 7, and 8 should not have been included in this list. Read the quotes below the photos. Although, props for the Christina Hendricks appearance. Heart her!

    • YeaReally
      15 hours ago

      Just remember if you outlaw guns, only the outlaws will have them…  Does anybody think this kid wouldn't have killed anyone if he couldn't find a gun? I don't think he would've stopped his plan just because he didn't have a gun. He would've found another way whether it be an explosive or whatver. OKC bombing killed way more people and children were involved there as well.

      • abrahamc3
        15 hours ago

        Explosives are already illegal which is why bombings are much less common than shootings.

      • stuffondemand
        15 hours ago

        Constructing and placing a bomb requires forethought, planning, and working knowledge of explosives, to say nothing of the materials (already mentioned above). While one can make the argument that at least the knowledge is freely available on the internet, the ability to plan is not. You have it or you don't. The problem with plans is that, as the adage says, they oft go awry. The more complicated the plan, the more things can go wrong. Adam's plan, if one could call it that, was incredibly simple: get guns, to to school, start shooting. If, on the other hand, Adam had a knife or some other close-range weapon, escape would have been much easier: simply put distance between the intended victim and the attacker. This is one of the main reasons why guns are so dangerous. To kill someone with a knife you either need to be very skilled or very lucky. The firearm is the great equalizer; you don't need to be either to kill someone with a gun.

    • Aaarrrggg
      16 hours ago

      Wow really NRA? I'd really hoped they'd make a push for password protection / fingerprint detection on guns. Its doable, the gun industry just doesnt bother because they aren't pressured for better safety measures like other consumer industries (eg auto.) Guns should be password protected so only the owner can fire them. Temporary passwords that only work for a short amount of time could be given out so that owners could allow other people to use the guns at the range. This would help so much with kids taking parent's guns.

      • stuffondemand
        16 hours ago

        This actually sounds like a fairly sensible solution. I'm afraid I don't know much about it, though it seems like the tech involved would make guns prohibitively expensive for many would-be buyers, which the NRA and firearm manufacturers would fight tooth and nail.

      • stuffondemand
        15 hours ago

        Of course, it doesn't account for how easy it is for an adult to simply buy their own weapon and then go to town. Adam Lanza was an adult from a well-off family. Guessing he wouldn't have had much trouble running down to a sporting goods store and buying a Bushmaster for himself.

      • YeaReally
        15 hours ago

        You have to be 21 to buy a gun. He was only 20 so he would've had some trouble.

      • stuffondemand
        15 hours ago

        No, he wouldn't: “An individual 18 years of age or older may purchase a rifle or shotgun from a federally licensed dealer in any state. However, the applicant may not purchase a pistol gripped long gun that does not have a shoulder stock until he or she is 21 years of age.” Source:   The AR-15 has a shoulder stock. Adam could have bought one on his own.

    • alovesbaby
      16 hours ago

      I'll be damned if you are gonna take my video games away. I love call of duty and halo, but in no way do they influence me to kill people! Sorry but that's crazy talk. The problem is mental health.

      • stuffondemand
        16 hours ago

        No, the problem is easy access to firearms. Identification and diagnosis of a mental disorder, like any illness, must be performed by a professional. Treatment, where necessary, must be strictly followed. Worst of all, though, is that many psychopathologies, even after diagnosis has been performed and treatment is underway, are unpredictable. Removing guns is the surest solution.

      • Ali Wherewithall
        16 hours ago

        You're right. Gaming was just a small piece of the puzzle. Your mom doesnt have a stash of high powered automatic weapons and you don't have a history of isolation and depression.
        Add life-like audio/visual killing into the mix and you've got a desensitized troubled individual armed and ready to shoot

      • YeaReally
        15 hours ago

        If taking the guns away doesn't work the video games will be next on the list. They will take away everything piece by piece until their is nothing left. While the guns made it easier for this kid to kill, he would've found another way had he not had them. His issues wouldn't have gone away just because he didn't have a gun and if they weren't dealt with he would've killed people with a bomb or something.

      • stuffondemand
        15 hours ago

        Prove it.

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