High School Sophomore Leaps Over Another Player To Dunk

In high school I sometimes lept down two stairs at once to get to the cafeteria faster. So me and this guy have a lot in common. posted

I know, right? Now tell your friends!
High School Sophomore Leaps Over Another P...
Jack Moore

1. Victor Dukes of Arkansas' Nettleton High threw down a crazy dunk in a game against Arkansas' Manila High. Let's look at it.

2. WHAT?! NOOOOO! Get out of the way, ref! How dare you rob us of this? HOW DARE YOU!

3. Thank God this high school game somehow had replay angles which will let us bask in the glory of a high schooler doing something that no high schooler should be able to do.

4. Please tell me there's another, even clearer angle. Please. Pleeeeease...


6. Watch the video here:

Source: youtube.com

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    3 Responses So Far

    • Lucas Farley
      a few minutes ago

      That's what happens when you stand in the lane. You get used as a stepstool.

    • andia added We Are The Champions play to the mix about an hour ago
    • shepucky thinks High School Sophomore Leaps Over Anot... is WTF  about 3 hours ago
    • qcj   High School Sophomore Leaps Over Anot...  about 3 hours ago
    • Veeelayn1119 thinks High School Sophomore Leaps Over Anot... is WTF & OMG  about 4 hours ago
    • remym2
      5 hours ago

      You're missing one crucial thing that would make this post complete (aka in line with every other “omg moment” on BF) - rubbable gif of best angle.

    • lisarowe thinks High School Sophomore Leaps Over Anot... is Win  about 5 hours ago
    • ItsTaylor thinks High School Sophomore Leaps Over Anot... is Win & OMG  about 5 hours ago
    • butriga thinks High School Sophomore Leaps Over Anot... is Win  about 6 hours ago
    • Ryan L thinks High School Sophomore Leaps Over Anot... is OMG  about 6 hours ago
    • tonyg4 thinks High School Kid Leaps Over Another Pl... is Win  about 7 hours ago

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