Outraged Congressman Suggests He'll Abandon Republican Party Over Sandy Relief

“As far as I’m concerned, I’m on my own,” says New York Rep. Pete King. Also says New Yorkers should stop donating to his party. posted

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Outraged Congressman Suggests He'll Ab...
Dorsey Shaw

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    9 Responses So Far

    • smg7320 thinks Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... is Win  about an hour ago
    • newu614 thinks Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... is Win  about an hour ago
    • michaelt36
      an hour ago

      Funny how all these Republican's turn Democrat when they realize that federal aid actually matters for their state, and isn't wasteful spending. While I applaud King and Christie for coming to their senses, it's sad it takes a tragedy for them to embrace logic.

    • suza
      2 hours ago

      this guy's a dick. dont' fall for his showmanship.

    • feistychick
      2 hours ago

      I have a feeling that this is the beginning of the end for the Republican party and as a left leaning independent, I say good riddance. Even my dad who's a Republican is starting to hate the party. But I find it interesting how King is second guessing his peers when they do something that directly effects him. Ever notice how repubs only care about an issue when it affects them?

    • Sean Curry   Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... and thinks it’s Win  about 3 hours ago
    • james hanney thinks Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... is Trashy  about 4 hours ago
    • adamp26
      4 hours ago

      I've never seen so many comments filled with standard partisan talking points and literally zero substantive data in my life, WOW. > Insert something about Republicans using poor people souls for blankets and Democrat bill pork here

    • freestatemyth thinks Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... is Win  about 4 hours ago
    • sunsfever83 thinks Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... is Win  about 6 hours ago
    • joeyjoy thinks Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... is LOL  about 9 hours ago
    • ohyeahbrid thinks Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... is Win  about 9 hours ago
    • trixievans thinks Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... is Win  about 9 hours ago
    • evilito
      13 hours ago

      I bet dollars to donuts most of the opposition to the relief bill comes from yokel representatives from hillbilly Southern states. Their resentment toward northeastern Yankees knows no bound, after all - even when (or maybe especially because of) it's the north that foots the bill for their illiterate southern asses.

    • wjamny thinks Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... is Win  about 13 hours ago
    • shaneajc   Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... and thinks it’s Win  about 13 hours ago
    • mikew41 thinks Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... is Win  about 14 hours ago
    • micaelal thinks Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... is Win  about 14 hours ago
    • jamesm83 added Garbage Dump play to the mix about 14 hours ago
    • flatlandbroncofan
      14 hours ago

      I can understand his anger but what I can't understand is why he is not complaining about the amount of pork that was added to this bill. The fact that he is not complaining about it makes him no different than the Democrats. All of them are a bunch of “spending junkies” that can't get the monkey off there backs. It is sad!

    • samuelbartb   Outraged Congressman Suggests He'...  about 14 hours ago
    • joshuak9 thinks Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... is Fail & Trashy  about 14 hours ago
    • amy swiney   Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... and thinks it’s LOL & Win  about 14 hours ago
    • casandraf thinks Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... is Win  about 15 hours ago
    • laurenc21   Outraged Congressman Suggests He'...  about 15 hours ago
    • bxmedic19
      15 hours ago

      Wow, he just went a few notches down on the ass hole meter.

    • bxmedic19 thinks Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... is Win  about 15 hours ago
    • bigben213 thinks Outraged Congressman Suggests He'... is Win  about 16 hours ago
    • evilito
      16 hours ago

      I am not a fan of King (in fact, quite the opposite), but kudos to him for doing this. The fact that our Congress is too dysfunctional to even pass a disaster relief resolution is infuriating (especially when the biggest doubts about the relief bill are voiced by hypocritical by Southern politicians - the region that ironically is essentially supported by federal tax dollars from the Northeast). I'd love to see King bolt the party. The guy is quite established in his district, and could easily win as an independent. And it would benefit the country to see a high profile politician publicly quit the republican party because of what it has become - a freakshow.

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