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No music, no privacy.

I didn't hate my roommate. In fact, we are still great friends, but I liked to mess with him just for fun. We lived in a suite style dorm and the shower was just outside our door. Most of the time when my roommate went to shower he would have me crank up my music so he could listen. It didn't take long for me to figure out that when he didn't ask for music it meant he was... Read More » jacking off. During those times I would start conversations with him to distract him. If I kept him talking long enough he would end up with a frustrated look on his face when he got out.

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New Years Diet

I'm on this really cool diet where I wear my retainer all day and lose pounds of saliva and those pesky last ounces of self-esteem.

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Get a Clue, Chubby

Everyone knows that Taco Bell is my favorite fast food place. So for Christmas, four different people got me Subway gift cards.