Photo: Flickr/KP Tripathi

Late Tuesday night, the House of Representatives approved the Senate’s last-minute fiscal cliff” deal that raises taxes on most American workers. Here are some answers to important questions you may have about what lawmakers actually agreed to.

What does it boil down to? The law includes $10 in tax increases for every $1 in spending cuts. Ultimately, this bill actually increases government spending by $330 billion.

Will normal Americans like me be affected?  Continue Reading »

While lawmakers negotiate ways to avoid the Taxmageddon tax increases and the so-called fiscal cliff, they are ignoring the real issue at hand: runaway entitlement programs and interest payments that account for more than half of federal spending.

Combined with interest payments on the debt, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid (including Obamacare) are driving the United States toward fiscal collapse.

The Heritage Foundation’s Romina Boccia explains: Continue Reading »

Year after year The Heritage Foundation continues to make an impact in the fight for conservative principles. This year, Heritage’s expert policy analysts testified before Congress 34 times and distributed more than 1,100 policy reports on Capitol Hill. Below is the list of the top 10 most read research papers of the year: Continue Reading »

From all of us at The Heritage Foundation, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a joyous holiday season. This is a season for reflection, not only about the closing of the year but about higher callings: our principles, our families, our faiths.

Heritage will be entering a new chapter with the new year. Not only will we celebrate our 40th anniversary, we will have new leadership as Senator Jim DeMint succeeds Edwin J. Feulner as president in April.

Today we bring you a special Christmas video from President-Elect DeMint.

Cross-posted from The Foundry.

Heritage Commentary

  •  Jim Carafano criticizes the Obama Administration’s lack of a strong  foreign policy in the Middle East in The National Interest
  • Ed Feulner praises Michigan’s right-to-work law in The Washington Times.
  • Israel Ortega explains how conservatives can reach Hispanic voters in Human Events
  • Paul Larkin eulogizes Robert Bork in
  • Rebeccah Heinrichs argues it is time to get serious on US missile defense in The Washington Times.

Heritage Cited in Others’ Commentary

  • Patrick Knudsen contrasts the needs for spending cuts with “emergency” spending budget provisions in The Washington Times.
  • An article in The New York Times quotes Sarah Torre’s blog about the Senate’s domestic violence bill.
  • The Atlantic Wire references Heritage Action’s opposition to Speaker Boehner’s Plan B proposal.
  • Ed Feulner and Ed Meese praise Robert Bork in The Wall Street Journal.

Heritage Cited in the News

  •  David John discusses social security reform in Politico.
  • Mike Franc argues against Speaker Boehner’s fiscal cliff compromise in The Wall Street Journal.
  • shares Jim Carafano’s testimony before the House Armed Services Committee about security challenges in the Democratic Republic of Congo on.
  • Politico quotes Ben Affleck’s joke that he was never offered a Heritage membership.

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