Constituent Services

Help with the Federal Government
Say the IRS sends you a tax bill for $5,000. You disagree with their assessment and have the documentation to prove your case, but nobody at the tax collecting agency will hear you out. What do you do? Talk to Congressman Miller’s office. He’s hired experts that can help you navigate all aspects of the federal bureaucracy--from help with an immigration matter (including passport issues) to settling a Social Security dispute. 

Request VIP Tour Tickets to Washington, DC Sites
Congressman Miller offers VIP tour tickets to Washington, DC’s top sites--including the White House, Capitol building, Pentagon and others--and provides information about getting around the city.

Purchase U.S. Flags

Congressman Miller sells at cost U.S. flags—including flags flown over the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, DC. A three-foot by five-foot flag costs less than $10 and makes a great gift. 

Free Books about Your Government
Congressman Miller offers a variety of free educational books, including copies of the U.S. Constitution, photo guides of the U.S. Capitol building and other titles explaining the federal legislative process.

Presidential Greeting Cards
The White House sends official messages from the president for those experiencing a: 80th Birthday or higher; 50th Wedding Anniversary or higher; Eagle Scout or Girl Scout Gold Award honor; condolence (sent to next of kin); serious illness; high school, college or advance degree graduation; religious milestone; or retirement.

Congressman Miller offers unpaid internships for college students and recent college graduates in his Brea office. Interning in a congressional office is a great way to learn firsthand the legislative process and how our government works. 

Military Academy Appointments
Are you a high school student interested in attending a military college? Each year, Congressman Miller has the opportunity to nominate a select group of high school students to attend one of five U.S. military service academies. Those selected have the opportunity to attend a top rated college free-of-charge in exchange for military service following graduation.



Santa Margarita
GM Housing Subcommittee Chino Police Department
National Day of Prayer Future Congressman
Constituent Visit Santa Margarita Catholic Highschool
GM at his desk