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  1. Panama City has the best retiree benefits according to International Living’s research. Take a look at the other 9 retiremenent havens: Where would you move to?
      • Kerry Jacques just get moving , upwards
      • Sol Nieves Mi niña bella, como estas?!
      • Debbie Ziegler Lambert

        Chesapeake Energy was sent a CEASE AND DESIST letter from the Darlington Twp. Supervisors for their actions on the McRoberts well site. These folks possess a lease that n...ot only expires on April 25th, but they are suing Chesapeake Energy stating that they lease is NOT VALID. 17 families are suing!

        The well pad area is in an area zoned Residential/Agricultural. In order to proceed, Chesapeake had to get a "Conditional Use Permit". They applied for it. 2 meetings were set up to hear testimony. Chesapeake Energy officials cancelled BOTH meetings.

        Without the Permit, Chesapeake started preparing the well pad and informed Township officials they would not honor the Cease and Desist letter. There is no well pad prepared. They brought in a small drill and told the owners they will work through the night to get a hole punched in the ground.

        The next step is for Darlington Twp. Supervisors to go before the local Magistrate and get an injunction.

        Arrogant doesn't begin to describe their behavior. Every resident here must go through the same permitting process if they seek to use the land in a way different from how it is zoned. Not them. They bullied their way in here and are refusing to abide by our local laws.
        See More
    • Bicara Emas, Afiq Nurhadi and 14 others like this.
      • Heather Hall
        One reason the economy probably isn't growing is because we're taking away more and more job opportunities by replacing people with technology. Paying at self-scan checkouts at stores takes away jobs for cashiers. Buying items online instea...d of at stores takes away jobs for people at stores. Everything we start to do online or through technology takes away jobs. We lose toll booth workers with the creation of I-Pass and EZ-Pass. Our population is growing, and job openings are declining because of technology. Technology has aided us greatly, yes, but we need to work with it, not let it replace human workers.See More
      • Sumi Allen so robbing taxpayers doesn't stimulate the economy? No... since when?
    • Irela Hernandez, Madhusudan Rawal and 34 others like this.
      • Andrew Border I didn't know that I discourage China? I must not be doing my part buying enough goods made in China. Every nation manipulates their currency, thats part of the reason why the federal reserve should be eliminated - its artificial capitalism. Let the markets do what they will, without regulation/interference and without the globalists mucking everything up

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