Congressman Randy Forbes | Washington Update
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Week of February 27 - March 2, 2012 Twitter Facebook YouTube Digg RSS

Supporting Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani & Religious Freedom


Congressman Forbes defended religious freedom—one of the most profound human rights in existence—by delivering a statement on the House floor in support of Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, and by cosponsoring H.Res.556, a resolution introduced by Rep. Joseph Pitts (PA-16) condemning the Iranian Government for its continued persecution, imprisonment, and sentencing of Mr. Nadarkhani for refusing to recant his Christian faith. The resolution passed the House by a vote of 417-1

Relieving Regulatory Burdens


Congressman Forbes cosponsored the Regulatory Freeze for Jobs Act, HR 4078, to encourage economic growth by placing a moratorium on new significant regulations– those costing the economy $100 million or more – until the unemployment rate drops to six percent or lower. The President could waive the moratorium and make a significant regulation for certain defined reasons, such as national security, but the President must certify this in writing to Congress. A significant regulation issued during the moratorium period would be subject to judicial review, and a small business that successfully challenges such a regulation could recover attorney’s fees.

Protecting American Jobs


Congressman Forbes joined over 200 Members of Congress in sending a letter to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) expressing concern about reports that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is planning new regulations on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants that could drive up energy prices and cost American jobs.  Congressman Forbes joined his colleagues in asking that the OMB stop the EPA’s costly new rulemaking that could have a devastating impact on jobs and our economy at a time when millions of Americans remain out of work.

Veterans Affairs

Protected Health Care Promised to America’s Veterans.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored the Protect VA Healthcare Act, H.R. 3895, to prevent the potentially disastrous consequences of sequestration on the Veterans’ Administration health care budget. Due to a conflict in the law, the Department of Veterans Affairs may be subject to a two percent cut in medical care—a cut that would significantly impact the care provided to America’s veterans. Despite repeated requests made to both the President and Secretary of Veterans Affairs over the past six months, neither office has offered any assurance that these cuts will not take place.  This legislation was introduced by House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Jeff Miller (R-FL).


Opposed Costly and Burdensome Education Regulations.  Congressman Forbes supported the Protecting Academic Freedom in Higher Education Act, H.R.2117, to repeal two U.S. Department of Education regulations: (1) state authorization for institutions offering distance learning and (2) the mandate of a federal definition for the credit hour.  The credit hour regulation establishes a federal definition of a credit hour, providing the government increased control over institutions’ academic affairs. The state authorization regulation forces states to follow federal requirements when deciding whether to grant an institution permission to operate within the state. Colleges providing online education programs could be required to obtain authorization in every state where enrolled students reside in order to participate in the federal student aid programs.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 303-114.

Armed Services

Spoke at National Ship Repair Industry Conference. Congressman Forbes spoke at the 2012 National Ship Repair Industry Conference where he questioned the ability of the Navy to fulfill its strategic priorities and the impact on the industrial base as a result of the Obama Administration’s decisions to cut 20% of the Navy’s shipbuilding plan and decommission seven CG-47 cruisers early.

Questioned the PACOM Commander on the Importance of Our Marine Corps. At a House Armed Services Committee hearing, Congressman Forbes questioned Admiral Robert Willard, Commander of U.S. Pacific Command and 38-year veteran of the Navy, on the importance of having forward deployed Marines in the Asia-Pacific and how our submarine forces in the Pacific will compare to China's over the next decade.

Honored Military Divers. Congressman Forbes cosponsored H.Con.Res.87 to recognize the sacrifices and efforts that have been made on behalf of our country by military divers and to encourage the creation of a memorial to honor their service.

Questioned Air Force Chief of Staff on our Air Dominance Capabilities. Congressman Forbes attended a hearing on the Air Force’s Fiscal Year 2013 budget posture where he questioned General Schwartz, the Air Force Chief of Staff, on the ability of the U.S. Air Force to conduct air dominance given recent budget cuts and reported strike fighter shortfalls.

Attended a Budget Request Hearing with U.S. European Command & U.S. Africa Command. On February 29th, the House Armed Services Committee held the Fiscal Year 2013 budget request hearing for U.S. European Command (USEUCOM) and U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) Testifying at this hearing was Admiral James Stavridis, commander of USEUCOM & NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe, and General Carter Ham, Commander of USAFRICOM. Congressman Forbes questioned Admiral Stavridis on the input the Combatant Commanders were able to give the Pentagon in the formation of the Defense Strategic Guidance.

Family Values

Protected School-Aged Girls from Receiving Dangerous Drugs at School. Congressman Forbes cosponsored the Schoolchildren’s Health Protection Act (H.R. 4046), which would prohibit federal funds from going to elementary and secondary schools that distribute emergency contraceptive drugs to girls at school-based health care centers (SBHCs).  Currently, unless prohibited by a state or local school district regulation, any SBHC that receives federal funding has the authority to distribute these strong drugs to elementary and secondary school-aged girls without parental consent even though there are serious health risks associated with the drugs, including increased risk of blood clots, heart attack, and stroke.

Health Care

Joined the Congressional Lupus Caucus.  Congressman Forbes joined the Congressional Lupus Caucus, which seeks to actively engage in a dialogue to improve the quality of life for people with lupus and their caregivers through supporting the advancement of lupus research and increasing awareness of lupus among the public and health professionals. The Caucus works in collaboration with the Lupus Foundation of America, the leading voluntary health organization for people with lupus, to ensure that all Members of Congress are armed with the understanding of the impact of lupus on individuals and their families, and actively support the advancement of lupus research and increased awareness of lupus among the public and health professionals.

Civil Rights

Preserved Vital American Civil Rights History.  Congressman Forbes supported H.Res.562 that directed the House Office of the Historian to compile the oral histories of the current and former Members of the House of Representatives involved in the Selma Montgomery, Alabama, marches, as well as the Civil Rights Movement in general.  Congressman Forbes joined his colleagues in ensuring that this vital resource of American history is catalogued and protected so that future generations of Americans can benefit from the experiences of those directly involved in the Civil Rights Movement.  This bill passed the House 418-0.

Natural Resources

Stopped Federal Government Regulation from Imposing a Man-Made Drought.  Congressman Forbes supported the San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act, H.R. 1837, to modify the water allocation practices in California’s Central Valley in an effort to ensure that municipalities and agricultural producers are not subjected to man-made water shortages in the name of meeting onerous environmental requirements.  Once an agricultural center of the West Coast, the Central Valley has been severely impacted by regulations that essentially shut off the water spout in favor of protecting a small fish named the Delta smelt.  Congressman Forbes voted to allow the Central Valley to end the man-made drought that was devastating localities and the agricultural community and impacting thousands of jobs.  This bill passed the House by a vote of 246 to 175.

About Washington Update

Washington Update serves as a resource to the constituents of the Fourth Congressional District of Virginia on the work of Congressman Forbes. It is published weekly while Congress is in session. Hyperlinks to bill information are provided if the information disseminated by the House of Representatives is available at the time of distribution.

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