
Award of Medals to W. Heath Hinson, June 29, 2011

RepReneeEllmersRepReneeEllmers·91 videos
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Uploaded on Jul 1, 2011

Congresswoman Ellmers presenting Mr. W. Heath Hinson of Nashville, NC with his military service awards. Mr. Hinson waited 65 years to receive the decorations listed on his discharge form. June 29, 2011

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  • poebw50

    This is just Great and what an honor it is to see one of our Military guys, Mr. W. Heath Hinson, be recognized and honored with Awards of Medals for his Military Services to our Country! I would hope that all Americans would take a moment of time during this 4th of July to remember all of our Military guys, women, and their families in their prayers, to be thankful for what they all have done and for all that they have endured for our Country to have freedom. God Bless our Troops and Military.


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