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Division of State Archaeology Homepage

The following informaton about DHR initiatives, programs, and resources offers ways to encourage and support the identification, stewardship, and use of Virginia's significant archaeological resources for maximum educational and cultural benefits.

Virginia Archaeology Network. Follow this link to information about other places and websites that focus on archaeology in Virginia and beyond.

Teaching Archaeology. Click on this link to learn about resources available to schools, organizations, and museums for teaching Virginia archaeology. In addition to the Virginia Indian Archaeological Resource Kit, a new African American Archaeological Resource Kit is now available. Also, see What Do Archaeologists Do?, an interactive module about professional archaeologists.

Virginia Archaeology Month 2013.  Every October, Virginia celebrates Virginia archaeology at libraries, museums, historical societies, clubs, and at active archaeological sites. The theme for 2013 is Virginia's Threatened Sites Program. Partners in hosting archaeology month events this year include Alexandria Archaeology Museum, Fairfield Foundation, Friends of Green Springs, George Washington’s birthplace Ferry Farm, Fort Eustis, MacCallum More Museum and Gardens, and the Virginia Museum of Natural History, among others. Download or view a Calendar of Events for Archaeology Month 2013 (PDF). If you would like a copy of this year's poster, contact Dee DeRoche at DHR.

Archaeological Site Stewardship.  Do you have archaeological sites on your property? Private landowners and local governments can protect clues to our past by being stewards of archaeological properties within their ownership. Follow the link to information about being a good steward.

Projectile Point Types and Lithic Types. This interactive module provides information and stunning images of 44 projectile point types applicable to Virginia and 47 lithic types from Virginia and surrounding states. The point types may be sorted by time period and general shape. A timeline chart further enhances the ability to envision point relationships. The lithics may be sorted by type of stone or by general location. A Google map presents the lithic-type locations. Reference and publication sections are included in the module.

Threatened Sites Program.  Learn how significant archaeological sites in Virginia that are threatened with destruction may be eligible for financial aid if no other funding is available for their rescue.

Archaeologists pose with their work, an excavated hut at "Camp Misery," an immense Civil War Union Army camp in Stafford County. (Photo: Taft Kiser)

Collections. DHR maintains a repository in Richmond that contains more than 5 million archaeological artifacts recovered from sites in Virginia. Follow the link to find out about services provided at the DHR Curation Facility.

DHR Archaeological Report Series.  See a list of archaeological reports available directly from DHR.

Radiocarbon Dates for Virginia Archaeology. See this Excel spreadsheet of Virginia C-14 dates for recovered artifacts. Also, this Word document provides Virginia Radiocarbon Dates References Cited.

Regional Archaeology Programs. Most of the department’s archaeological survey, field, and technical assistance activities are conducted from our regional offices. If you have questions pertaining to local archaeology, need help identifying or managing an archaeological site, or need educational information or speakers about area archaeology, contact the archaeologist who serves your region:

(To identify your region by county, go to this map: DHR's archaeological regions.)

Archaeology and Environmental Review. Both state and federal laws and procedures require that significant archaeological sites be identified and considered in a variety of public projects. In fact, more archaeological survey and excavation projects are conducted in Virginia as a result of these laws than for any other purpose. As the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), DHR assists federal and state agencies in meeting their responsibility to take historic properties into account in planning and carrying out their projects. The reports resulting from these efforts to identify, evaluate, and treat historic properties are available in the DHR archives. Visit the Environmental Review section of this website, for more information.

Archaeological Permits.  Conducting archaeological survey and excavations on private property does not require permission from the Department of Historic Resources unless it involves graves or cemeteries.  Any archaeological work conducted on human graves—marked or unmarked—requires a permit from DHR (see permit application forms below).  Any archaeological work on state-controlled lands requires a permit from DHR (see below).  Removing objects from underwater historic sites requires a permit from the Virginia Marine Resources Commission.  Any archaeological work or removal of historic artifacts from federal lands requires an Archaeological Resource Protection Act (ARPA) permit from the federal land manager for that property. For information on the ARPA, visit the National Park Service's website.

Registering Archaeological Sites.  In order to obtain an official state site number and incorporate information into our archives and mapping systems, archaeological sites must be registered. Professional archaeologists must record archaeological sites in Virginia in DHR's Data Sharing System (DSS). Non-professionals wishing to record archaeological information may contact the Archaeology Inventory Manager, Jolene SmithPlease note: The Archaeology Site Inventory Form will no longer be accepted for registering archaeological sites.

Forms and Applications.  See the top-right box for links to the Application for Archaeological Investigation on State Lands and the Permit Application for Removal of Human Burials. Please submit those documents to the Department of Historic Resources, 2801 Kensington Avenue, Richmond, VA 23221. 

Updated: 10.1.13